
She answered that question. She also showed opposition to the dick pic in no unclear terms ("I do not like this thing you did, but I'm overlooking it and hoping we'll have a nice time the rest of the date" is only logically inconsistent if you have a three year old's tolerance for complexity). And how the hell do you

Well anyone who buys this dress for 250K plus clearly doesn't give a shit about your silly common sense.

Ok Mark. Between this and the toddler left in the car story, I expect no less than 5 additional happy fun-time pet stories of kittens detecting cancer in a kid or baby goats becoming best friends with puppies then all of them becoming best friends with baby hedgehogs.

LOL! No the best lesson here is that humans should not be valued as sexual commodities. That even though both boys AND girls are sexual beings, our worth is not based on sex. Therefore we should treat each other with respect.

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

umm it does when you forget how soccer works.

HIPAA violations are MAJOR. There are medical privacy laws for REASONS. That idiot Rawls is fucked.

It makes no sense to compare what Brooks did with the people profiled in Weingarten's excellent piece. They are completely different scenarios, and it undercuts your argument to put them in the same league. Regardless, I have no problem whatsoever with what Brooks did. You don't need to "tell everyone it's totally OK

Hey, cheers, and thanks for doing this. Trying here too. I'm on the Talk page as ElectricRebelMedia.

From video of experiment preparation.

Vote: Apple TV

Chris O'Dowd should not have a Franco-inspired inferiority complex. Given my druthers, I'd take that strapping Irish gentleman any day over borderline creepy James Franco. I mean c'mon, look at him. The beard, the eyes, the curly hair I just want to run my fingers through, it all works.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. She's a grown woman, but I am so worried about women who've grown up around domestic violence who get involved with known abusers. I feel like a weirdo for worrying about a grown woman I'll never meet, but I hope everything works well for her on this one and that she stays