
I have a few ideas that bars can use for lame jokes that follow this idea that aren't offensive and all you have to do is change the word violence. Here they are: cheese, cars, television, potatoes. See violence doesn't need to be dragged into this because it's not cool on any level.

The only sign any bar should need:

One secret of city pot hole repairs, that many people don't understand, is you have to report them. The city doesn't magically know where all the potholes are, or have a clear prioritization plan if they are rampant. They certainly won't know where the really serious ones are that require immediate attention. Most

....Because he's the hero Chicago deserves, but not the one it needs right now...

CLEARLY CANADIAN. Specifically the strawberry flavour. Beach days/picnics/my life has never been the same without it.

Relatedly, Getty has photos of Hart and Parrish from 2013 on the red carpet where they identify Parrish as Torrei. Awkwarddd.

Yeah, I think so. The restaurant posted that pic on their FB page; it's not stock image I found. I also really, really want potato skins now.

Kitteh approves.

Could we make a note that the Common Core is not a new curriculum but new standards whenever we talk about the Common Core? A curriculum would actually be the lesson plans, materials, etc. actually utilized by the teacher in the classroom (either by teacher design or scripted or a combination based on the school).

Potato skins, public shaming, good causes funded, right forward thinking in places (WV) we're used to hearing nightmares from.

Potato skin binge all weekend. For feminism....yeah feminism. It'll be a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.

That would be a great post.. nudge nudge :)

Uncle Joe only at #23??!!?

But he has magnificent drummer-face!

No Dave Grohl = All Credibility Lost

This is the finest most comprehensive list I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Bless this.

"According to police, the teenager stated the threats in the form of tweets were meant as a joke."

Holy shit. When I get texts from a weird number, I ask, "who's this?" and when they are not someone I know, I say, "wrong number, have a nice day" because I don't want to RUIN THE LIVES of people who cause me MINOR INCONVENIENCES.

"To get to first base quickly, tell a lady about how hot you are for her mother before going in for the move"