
Want it. If only to see those cockpits flailing about in a seizure-like jive.

Sounds cool... hopefully it actually is. The graphics and trailer are a turnoff. Why not take the source material seriously? Do we really need another parody of Miami Vice?

You must not meet cops very often. A little less than half of the ones in my area are just looking for an excuse to bash someone’s head in. They don’t care if it’s a woman or an old man.

My grand father was a police officer. He was good enough that he on at least one occasion talked a man out into giving himself up. He

I smell another article about the gamer identity being dead coming. Nobody’s going to want to be called that after this shit hits the fan.

First thing I thought of when they unveiled the logo. Kojima’s really obsessed with Bowie.

David Bowie’s Blackstar. It’s Major Tom.

Go to matinee. About half the cost.

Grand Ages Medieval? That’s like saying you don’t like Coca Cola because you tried RC Cola one time.

What. IGN still uses buffering on their site.. With my 85/MBPS, it still loads like it’s 1999.

This reminds me of a former friend who learned about ‘cultural appropriation’ in school. Her interpretation of what they presented her was simply ‘black people made most cool things’, so when I mentioned that rock music as a genre came about as some synthesis of blues and country style music, all she could think of

Humanity needs this.

The character modeling is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Dead eyes and a flapping mouth on a very realistic model? What the hell were they thinking?

People already treat healers with a sense of reverence, and they easily get the high vote cards at the end of rounds, even if they didn’t contribute much. There’s a certain activeness, presence, cover, and good ability use that makes a good Mercy, for example. But a lot of the people who play her just want to stand

First gorillas, now Lego :(

You doxxed yourself, Jason Schreier! #NoMansGate

Forever alone.

The secret to playing Assassin’s creed is to run at things, and then hold down the square button.

The camera pan reminds me of those Euclidean graphics engine videos.

No Mike Fahey example photo?

No. It’s really, really bad. Running around doing fetch quests for 20 hours bad. Not just your average fetch quest mind you, but the kind where you get a letter and have to board an airship to take it some isolated alley north of a city on another continent every 3 quests. And then the quests which aren’t like that