
Just saw this. Yep. All doctors are going to run off and become Dota champions. We must suppress the youth and their desire to do what they want.

Undertale already won hands down. This is going to be like GamerGate all over again, isn’t it? PEOPLE WILL BE GIVING OPINIONS ALL OVER THE PLACE

I’d be more upset that I was on Tumblr if I were on Tumblr.

I thought The Last of Us was one of the best games ever too, but mostly because of the narrative. It was quite buggy and opened to a pretty boring and samey start. It’s more a thing of opinion and feeling, that makes people think something is one of the “best ever”. Look at Casa Blanca. Most people seem to think it’s

“Oh, no, it’s just that they like something I haven’t played yet and now refuse to play because they like it so much.”

I haven’t really seen any vocal Undertale fans, I just see critics/commentators on YouTube saying how good it is.

Super Mario World is too easy and doesn’t really introduce anything new to platforming besides fluidity and better, cleaner graphics. Super Mario Brothers 3 was already about as fluid as SMW, though.

Anyone who says ‘true’ anything needs to see a proctologist immediately.

Konami sucks. They ran every franchise they had into the ground. It’s not that they’re evil, it’s that they’re retarded.

is this a real ayy lmao

I hate when people bring up race about things that are clearly innocent. Like in Cloud Atlas, people were pissed that Halle Berry played an Asian man, along with various other intentional miscastings. Like, how is that racist in the slightest? It’s just like kabooki.

Because they flipped out, they missed the point: we

I love Logan Cunningham, wish he was in more stuff. Probably his choice, though. If any suit, not that it’s the case with ND, thinks black heroes don’t sell, I invite them to watch Django Unchained. Jamie Foxx is such a boss.

Creative Assembly is crap. They make mediocre games with bad AI, little thought put into campaign balance.When RTW bombed, I sent their PR a letter, asking why the game was still $60 months after release even though it got a 74 on Metacritic. They said that wasn’t an indicator of the game’s value. Well, I got it and

Well, there’s a new void for indie developers to fill. Real Fallout game, please.

World of Warcraft (haven’t played as a sub in years), Ark Survival, DOTA 2, Don’t Starve Together. Bemoaning that there’s too much stuff coming out to buy or play it all, and my backlog is mostly B-quality games but a few story titles I have yet to finish.


Maybe she’s born with it,

Characters like Symmetra and Zenyatta get play of the game all the time.

Smite is a very good example of why this is a moba. Characters divided into rolls push toward an end objective across a linear arena. It’s not like CS it’s not Battlefield, it’s enough like Team Fortress but not quite. The big difference between it and TF2 is that there is no limited character pool, meaning the

Go back to your snacks, you snack fiend.