
I wish they’d sit down and make some new gameplay features beyond one new item every 5 months. The game has room for a lot of expansion, and it’s still incredibly simple at this point. Sure, you can do a lot in the way of creation (though every patch messes up every map or mod), but you can only do so much without

“The best Star Wars authors, whether it be in books, comics, TV or movies, knew that this galaxy is a lived-in place, and it has rules and a framework that they broadly operated within”

Broadly being the optimal word. The post-endor books were rife with monday afternoon drama. “I’m actually your half-sister! Ha! And

Square seems pretty committed to being less retarded this year.

It’s not a legitimate recipient of donations if they’re just in to steal money. It’s understandable if they run out of money and it still never gets made, but to disappear and never tell anyone what happened is criminal.

Planetary annihilation, Broken Age. Wasn’t that latest Perfect Dark spiritual successor a kickstarter?

What the fuck. I thought this was 2015. Can’t a consenting adult and a subservient robot slave make love without being judged by society?

It’s not doing anything to the geometry, it’s just changing the way you see it. It’s like a ‘drunk filter’ or a mirror image, sort of.

I don’t get how he spent an entire month making a video of a minecart going in a straight line in highly repetitive scenery.

It was. You look pretty cool. Don’t waste your youth working for a half-pence.

If you have the money to buy whatever you want, you’ll soon realise that there probably aren’t a lot of cheap media outlets you find interesting.

Also, if that’s you in the picture you should dye your hair blonde and become an underwear model.

Oooohkay. No. We’re not talking about putting 15,000 into the project. If you put $15-50 into something which is only expecting to break even at best, you’re just going to get $15-50 dollars back. Why would you lend someone money at 0% interest? Or why would you lend someone such a low amount of money for a huge

What I find interesting about Kickstarter disasters is, when the game finally comes out, everyone is expected to hate it because a few thousand people got duped. I bet you the investors on many popular video game projects feel the same way. Should we hate Metal Gear Solid V or Final Fantasy VII because hypothetically

Except for the alpaca, they look enough like MLP characters to make for a legal case, IMO. It’s not like anyone else has animated ponies with this style. There might not be a financial incentive to do it, though, besides “you’re not making money off something that looks like our IP” which honestly is more of a concern

Yeah, I don’t know, for as much as I hear about the pretentiousness of feminists on the internet, I only ever hear from the side who’s calling out the pretentiousness of what I can only assume are invisible posters. Otherwise, there’s a few places like PBS Gameshow that lay it on thick, but it’s not like there are a

I’m just hoping it’s copyedited and runs alright on any machine at all, unlike the last story driven indie game Kotaku recommended to me (Sunset).

The price cut could be due to a regional deal or market oversaturation in Japan. Not to mention the shipping cost factor isn’t as much of an issue.

Is that Moby?

I still love you.

66? The artist must live in a really unhealthy part of the world.

You don’t..know many people, do you?