
Its an Indie studio trying to stay Indie with one of the biggest budgets for a video game ever. I don’t expect them to do it with the efficiency of EA.

Nope, can’t beat the feel of the pre-rendered background with these half-baked graphics.

I may get this game just to see how the community handles the ever-growing lack of control over their avatars. Also, I’m curious about my random penis or breast size.

The comments got stormed by kids saying “WE ONLY LISTEN TO BRENTALFLOSS LYRIC VIDEO”

That’s a big relative. Konami is making 151 million dollars a year, and they just abandoned a major money-maker for no reason. Valve, one of the companies on top of the games industry, is making 20 times that amount.. and they aren’t even running health spas and casinos.

Its not even April, Kotaku.

Woah, the door to the MRA meeting is over there, buddy. I’m pretty sure he means his girlfriend likes Doctor Who. Maybe you haven’t heard, but there’s a lot of lego games; lol.

I bet Caitlynn Jenner fucked your understanding of the universe, huh?

Paradox doesn’t micromanage their published titles unless its time to give them the boot, pretty much.

So why doesn’t this guy make some DMCA claims instead of accusing someone of a crime to the general public? lol

Well, there were a lot of scattered tribes, too, with rich cultural history, like I mentioned. I did know a lot of people lived there, relatively, just not that they had any large-scale organized society. I’ll look into your groups. Thanks for the information!

No, I don’t know that much about tribes on the California coast. I know enough to say there wasn’t a large nation of Native Americans there, not anything to rival the Iroquois, the later Blackfoot, Creek, or the Shawnee. I’m not sure why you can’t give me a straight answer.

LOL they didn’t build cities? I’m living in an Ancient Fort village that was as large as Rome in its prime. The main settlement area doesn’t end for 6 miles (about the space of Manhattan), with some interruption. Other cities they built are just a few miles away and their civilisation continued across four states.


I know of the many scattered Totemistic tribes of the northwestern islands. I don’t know much about them other than their creation account traditions. What was the name of your rising civilization?

Not solidarity, but some groups were still building mounds and cities when the Spanish first arrived, and those people quickly disappeared. Most of the mounds are from thousands of years ago, though.

And, really, you’re going to talk about Colonialism when you’re wearing an Anarchist flag? Does the name Nestor Makhno mean anything to you? Yeah, lets go murderer some religious pacifists, that’s all good and well.

The Spanish didn’t wholesale wipe out native people. Most people from those areas today are more native than they are Spanish. You have a really warped sense of history and reality. Try reading a book.

Nope. Wrong time period. Mound builders and civilization in general, outside state tradition of the Iroquois, was all but gone when Europeans showed up. So, was the Roman conquest of Gaul and Hispania ‘war between two people’? No, it was the conquest of hundreds of isolated tribes that had no real chance of defeating

I like how everything has to be a justification rather than a statement of fact now.

Sorry, buddy, but National Socialists aren’t the ones who want to get rid of an icon of modern National Socialism.

This game actually looks pretty cool. But I hate how every civil war game is JUST about Gettysburg.