Your first sentence...I lol'ed.
Your first sentence...I lol'ed.
I've always thought, ditching the moral of the week and comic relief heavy handedness, that Masters of the Universe could shine. Get on down to NZ and rip the hell off of LotR, make it a reverse Star Wars (Adam/He-Man vs Anakin/Vader), and put some EFFORT into a ripping good fantasy epic. It could totally win! I…
Equal/opposite reactions.
In the opposite direction, my dad has told stories of a couple of crows that lived near where he grew up, and they were friendly, if not wild pets. My father and his siblings would feed, pet and play with the crows. Probably the same mechanism at work, except of course these kids were being nice to them versus…
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make myself sound like an ass...wouldn't Newtonian physics answer this? If stress is known to cause poor health, why wouldn't then an equal/opposite state of being, such as happiness contibute to excellent health? Or would that be more correlation vs causation?
I LOVE the third picture within the article, broken necked Shia. And he looks so upset! That's ACTING!
Did you see Shia on Letterman the other night? That's basically what he said about the clips Bay was allowing to be shown on the promotion racket, no robots, just the filler in between. Shia couldn't even defend it which made me wonder, if you can't sell the story that connects the action sequences, what the hell…
And I would think the moving earth of burying things and the eventual settling of that earth would act as an abbrasive...
Would the Lightning get REALLY lucky if you threw this on the ice?
I saw the header and thought immediately of Ultron, but he probably is better suited to a later installment. I'm hoping for a Thanos leading the Skrulls, brought about by Loki who tempted Thanos with the aformentioned cube and glove, but seeing the utter destruction wrought by his actions Loki becomes tentatively…
I'll buy it, that gives credence to a cultural conciousness, power symbols and reverence, maybe not boiling down to religion persay and as the commenter leo730 points out above, these archeologists probably have a better understanding of such symbols in their particular patterns than us, but a public pool of ideas…
Personally? I like 90's Spider-Man, yeah, it was when I read it heavily and I quit comics after Aunt May died revealing she knew Peter was Spidey all along (issue 400?). As far as the Clone Saga, iirc, Alastair Smythe cloning Peter's dead parents to throw him through an emotional hell while unleashing robot havoc on…
The carvings look amazing for how old they are and considering the nomadic this because of their environ? I mean, there's more "recent" things that look a hell of a lot more weathered than these...
I can believe that a vast number of carvings are simply decoration...look at car decals, highway grafitti, or a teenager's notebook. Sometimes there's a personal meaning...sometimes things just look cool and we want to see them on a regular basis.
What about the original Death Race 2000 with Stalone & Carradine? I saw it VERY young, and even though I thought it was hilarious when I saw it, the car ramming through the house to kill that person showering? Scared of showers without windows ever since...
What's their office party like? Cause I want in.
When he became himself had to be the single greatest instance of ACTING! ever seen on stage or screen.
Maybe it should be it's own list, but I like the syndromes named after fiction, missing here of course would be Renfield's Syndrome.
Wonderful use considering the song is about human evolution. Like I wasn't pumped enough for a good ol' action flick they go and use my favorite band and the first song I learned on bass!