Kit Foxtrot

Somebody had posted a link to a graph dealing with overall homicides in developed countries. America was still right up there (IIRC, it was #4 on the list). If you’re counting ‘in the world’, then you’re also counting countries that aren’t developed, which kind of includes the more violent, war-torn countries, or

Have I mentioned how much the concept of ‘for profit’ prisons just blows my mind? The idea of monetising people being in jail. In other words, creating an incentive to get people into jail.

Except it is. If you check out the chart listed above, which is concerning homicide as a whole, the USA is still leaps and bounds ahead of nearly all other developed countries. The country, I think, is just mentally geared to accept violence as a recourse for getting one’s way.

Actually, he addressed it afterwards. (Other news agencies mention this specifically). He didn’t dodge the question, he addressed both questions.

If it were a MIB / Ghostbusters crossover, I’d be ALL OVER THAT. This? Well, I’ve not seen either of the Jumpstreet films. I have zero interest in them.

I didn’t see it as a snub. I just thought she felt Rey’s pain, and wanted to console her. It felt natural to me, since she’d seen it with Luke before. So I accepted that.

My thought on the matter would be that HP history isn’t 100% synched to our history. >.>

Oh, definitely. I think they could do a lot of good with him.

Shang Chi. There we go, I was wondering about bringing up that point. Why not give him his own series? And yeah, I’d rather it wasn’t racist.

From what I’ve read, most people who wind up being trans have different brain chemistry than what’s considered ‘normal’ for their physical sex. For example, someone might have a woman’s brain chemistry, but their body’s male. This makes them more likely to identify as female. Then you have chimera, who have both male

That’s how couples talk. I’ve seen it. In fact, I’m watching my sister beat around the bush as she’s trying to get a friend she knows to understand she’s feeling ignored. So, yes, that’s how people talk.

Sadly, it appears to be a PvP. I prefer PvE, myself (or in this case, PvAI). C’est la vie.

My first green Christmas here in Ottawa. I’m not complaining, mind you, the weather’s been pleasant, but yeah, not really healthy for the local habitat.

Former Calgarian here. Yeah, the chinook made Alberta weather really interesting - I’d go to school in December in t-shirts and shorts, then a week later I’d be under 3 feet of snow, then a few days later all the snow was gone.

As long as I can ignore this was ‘inspired’ by the Vertigo series, it could be fun. But seriously... this is NOTHING like the Vertigo series.

I totally see him as Data in the rebooted ST universe.

I remember that one. There’s also the girl Jughead actually, legitimately likes, as well. I don’t remember her name off the top of my head.

I’m a fan of Jughead. He’s my favourite Archie character, because he’s more than a glutton - he’s got a sizeable number of supernatural powers he’s pulled out of his hat (so to speak) through the years. Reads a book and pick up the skills from it like a master? Create thunderstorms with a thought? Give the Evil Eye?

Gender is not Sex. Gender is personal identity. If BB8 identifies as female, then she is female. If it identifies as male, then he is male. When the people who made BB8 makes the final decision, then that’s what the droid identifies as, and that becomes the droid’s gender.