Kit Foxtrot

The entire point of science fiction was to comment on the current times, and be relevant to the thoughts of the people of that day and age - or have you forgotten that “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” was a Red Scare story, or that “The Day the Earth Stood Still” was a comment on the Cold War? Science Fiction doesn’t

Pretty much. I was somewhat interested in this game, until I learned it was a for-profit prison simulation. At that point, I lost all interest in the game, because I think it’s possibly the worst model you can use for running a prison. :\

Ah, someone ninja’d my Astroboy post. Nevermind. :)

A shame. I’m enjoying C:BE. It’s the kind of game I want - less goofy, more serious. Which is what I want in a Civ Game.

Definitely true. The idea that innocent people wind up executed bothers me to no end. :\

I guess you’re fine, then, with the cost of keeping someone in prison ($39 billion and climbing), or committing murder (which the latter is). And no, I won’t accept the death penalty as anything else. It is the taking of a life - not in self defence, and not as an act of mercy on the individual - and that makes it

Let me tell you a little story. I had an uncle visit a friend in Arizona. While there, his friend went to collect the money for a computer he sold - and the person who bought the computer suggested a gas station in the middle of nowhere. My uncle went along for the ride, and when they parked, his friend went to the

Risk: Europe. As in ‘Castle Risk’? They’d better fix the mechanics if they did - when I first started playing Castle Risk I would win the game in the first turn during three player games. Repeatedly. The mechanics for Castle Risk were... not well thought out.

Are life sentences okay for someone who murders people? No. In fact, I don’t even think 20 years, or 10 years, is okay. I think it is more important to find out why they did it. Then see if it can be prevented from happening again. Is it a specific incident? A crime of passion? Greed? Road rage? Was it a mistake? Is

That’s a lovely example of the worst of US “justice”. Thank the kami you’re not the majority.

Prisons are intended to help rehabilitate. The ultimate goal is to help people to be productive members of society. Sorry, let me rephrase that: in civilized countries, the goal of prisons are to help rehabilitate. They’re not owned by corporations, they’re not expected to turn a profit, and they’re not used as cheap

My wife loved the movie, and described it as ‘metal’. Hey, if someone’s enjoying it, there’s really no reason to shoot it down.

Actually, I’ll disagree. She’s filling in gaps, but she’s not tweaking what’s already been released. She’s effectively writing her own EU, which I think is perfectly fine.

I’ve had it on Steam for a while, and I’ve enjoyed the hell out of it. The Neurax Worm is my favourite - I like going for the ‘total domination’ rather than ‘total destruction’ route.

It isn’t white guilt if it’s factually true.

I’m excited in that I love ‘Paint It Black’, and the cover sounds damn fine. I’m going to be snagging that piece of music when I can.

Personally, I think the Kushiel series would be PERFECT as a television series. Put it on Netflix or HBO, and it’d fit in just fine. The sex in the Kushiel series isn’t gratuitous either - each sex scene helps to further part of the plot - if it isn’t necessary, it isn’t shown. I think it’d be perfect for HBO, to be

I’ll agree that gender and sex need to be kept separate, but I’ll note that sex isn’t binary. It isn’t given a person is born ‘male’ or ‘female’, because (as mentioned), different parts of the body are developed at different times. What happens if the person’s got both sets of sexual organs? Or if their blood is male,

I’ll disagree. Killjoys gave me exactly what I wanted - characters living in a setting that’s well designed. Sure, they’re Killjoys, but I’m not interested in bounty after bounty, I’m interested in who these people are, and what the world is like around them, and that’s exactly what the show’s giving me.