Kit Foxtrot

I’m a fan of Jughead. He’s my favourite Archie character, because he’s more than a glutton - he’s got a sizeable number of supernatural powers he’s pulled out of his hat (so to speak) through the years. Reads a book and pick up the skills from it like a master? Create thunderstorms with a thought? Give the Evil Eye?

Pretty much. I was somewhat interested in this game, until I learned it was a for-profit prison simulation. At that point, I lost all interest in the game, because I think it’s possibly the worst model you can use for running a prison. :\

A shame. I’m enjoying C:BE. It’s the kind of game I want - less goofy, more serious. Which is what I want in a Civ Game.

I’ve had it on Steam for a while, and I’ve enjoyed the hell out of it. The Neurax Worm is my favourite - I like going for the ‘total domination’ rather than ‘total destruction’ route.

It isn’t white guilt if it’s factually true.

I’m excited in that I love ‘Paint It Black’, and the cover sounds damn fine. I’m going to be snagging that piece of music when I can.

And yet, he showed up in a later strip as a cameo. :D

I’m sure he can still do good.

Society also tells you there’s a time and place for such things. On the job is not one of them.

“We’re trying to have a goddamn society here”. Best line ever. :) You rock.

Remember Ninja Gaiden on the NES? It reminds me of that. Gah.

I hate what they did with Cyclops. I liked him more when he was an actual leader, had to bear the responsibility of that leadership, and had to be the straight man - accepting the burden of the fact he’s responsible for the safety of everyone else.

It looks like you had a great time, and that’s cool to see. :) You knocked it out of the park, and you seem like an awesome person. Kudos!

I took the time to educate myself on GamerGate. I read the articles on both sides. And you know what? Actions speak louder than words. Fingerwagging when someone who supports GG and saying ‘they’re not part of our group’ doesn’t count. When someone who says they’re Christian does something a different Christian

Okay, let’s use the Wayback Machine, and take a look at things like Warner Brothers, who targetted adults and children with their cartoons. The kids got the jokes on one level, and the adults got the jokes on another level.

Eh, a friend’s already written that fic.

Being a Guild Wars 2 player, I find this cool, though I kind of wish they’d do what they did in GW1, which is to send Dhuum to kill and autoban the account.

True enough, but I think it would have hit the cultural notes a lot better if they went this route. X-Men wasn’t bad - but it was more ‘hey, look at the kewl things these people can do’ and less about ‘hey, you know, prejudice is bad, look at what these people have to face every day’. It would have been a wonderful

I was discussing the upcoming Fantastic Four film, and how it appears to be hitting the wrong notes - and how X-Men also seemed to miss the mark when it comes to Marvel movies.

You... didn’t actually answer the question there. You’re saying “this is what they said”, rather than “this is what they did”. I know what they say they did - I’m actually interested in something a bit more objective. But one thing did stand out: