Kit Foxtrot

Yeah, I try to use the rules as written as much as possible. If I want to fudge, I’ll use an RPG which has fudge encoded into the rules.

Actually, my character didn’t see any reason to abandon his home to these soldiers, and he was a lucky, cocky, rather over-confident bastard. The PCs weren’t that powerful - they were just *specialized*, because the only thing the GM ever ran was combat. And since that’s the only thing he ran, I tailored my character

No, I don’t plan the next session. I write a framework for the adventure as a whole, then I let the players do what they want. I base the campaign on where the characters go, and I have the encounters and adventure be built around what they do. For example, I had the Imperatrix inform the PCs in my D&D campaign she

My campaigns tend to last 2+ years, and a TPK is perfectly acceptable. Hell, I threw the Tarrasque at the PCs when they were 10th Level, knowing it could wipe the entire party out casually if they decided to stand and face it. They didn’t know what it was - I reskinned it - but that isn’t the point. The PCs need to do

Actually, this reminds me of an event. We were playing a game where the game master was tired of the PCs being able to slaughter everything in their path - we were playing a Robin Hood game and just wiped a rival band of bandits out (we were the Robin Hood group, they were a rival band that weren’t against killing and

There’s also roleplaying, tactics, and the thrill of exploration - but the dice are there for a reason. They’re used to determine success and failure, and the game master’s supposed to be the neutral arbiter of the world and the mechanics. She’s not there to hold the player’s hand and make them feel ‘safe’.

Why should it be rare? I mean, if your ogre rolls a crit and blows the head off a PC, then so be it. If I had to deal with a GM who goes ‘err, actually, he missed’ or ‘he did X amount of damage’ where X is a lot less than he actually did, I’d be more inclined to walk, because the feel of danger just got lost.

I don’t believe in fudging. A few bad rolls can completely ruin a person’s day, and a TPK is a perfectly acceptable consequence of the game. If the dice gods decide to hate on the players, so be it. The goal isn’t to kill the PCs off, but sometimes it happens. It isn’t the end of the world. Mind you, I started gaming

I like to think I’m a good GM. I don’t fudge the rolls or call fiat however. The game isn’t sacrosanct, the story isn’t, either. If there’s a TPK, then so be it, we play a new game, or we might play the same game and the new characters have to deal with the consequences of the first group’s failure. It isn’t the end

I disagree. The price of adventuring is threat of death. If the players aren’t up for that, there’s other RPGs which don’t involve exploring hostile wilderness where magical beasts can kill you in no time flat. I don’t accept (as a player or a GM) the idea that players get plot immunity.

I totally disagree. No threat, no reward. If you’re not willing to accept the threats provided by the game system, play with a game system where those threats don’t exist. If you’re not up for having a character wiped out with a single sword swing, don’t play Legend of the Five Rings. If you don’t want your party

Strangely, I liked the slow build up.

Actually, that entire ‘want to show it in China’ thing is pissing me off. Because I’m pretty sure that’s why the Ancient One in Doctor Strange isn’t going to be from Tibet. If he was, China wouldn’t allow the movie to be shown.

I was being somewhat snarky. I know this was adapted from it, but they decided to deviate from the story horribly. The original manga was bleak, but it was also very deep, and it would have been nice if they’d kept that. Instead of trying to make a ‘war is cool’ movie, they could have really gone for the ‘war is hell’

And yet, he showed up in a later strip as a cameo. :D

You’d know what would be great? A movie based on ‘All You Need is Kill’. That’d be cool. ;)

Yes, because it’s fantasy. Things like how Spider-Man’s powers work are about as relevant as how magic works in Lord of the Rings or the Elric of Melnibone series, or how Time Travel works in the Terminator series, or how FTL works in the Alien series.

Any particular reason why not? It’s a storytelling medium. You can address very serious issues with a comic that you can’t with other mediums, and you can reach an audience you might miss using another medium. The classic X-Men comic where Kitty Pryde discusses prejudice and suicide was a particularly strong story,

No, I don’t think that’s needed. You don’t need a ‘Teen Spidey’ or an ‘X-Man First Class’. Let the characters age, retire/die, and get replaced. Let the newer generation get new heroes, make new characters for them to fall in love with. Make legacy characters to carry on the fight when the old heroes pass on.

Strange, my wife and I both saw character development. Subtle, but there. But yes, I would love to see more in Season 5.