Kit Foxtrot

The thing with stereotypes are they're not true, they're stereotypes. If they were true, they'd be 'facts'. A stereotype is a bias - a belief that something applies to the majority, even when it doesn't. I can think of a huge number of racist and sexist stereotypes, and I am pretty certain that they're not true.

At one point, she becomes a slave. And she goes into it with her eyes wide open, knowing what is going to happen, and what she has to do. And she owns it. And she's doing it because it is very important she be there, at that time. Lives are at stake for it.

One of the other things I like with the series is each sex scene has a point and furthers the plot, it isn't gratuitous.

I loved this series because it had a subtle, working, coherent religion. The magic of the world is built into the cultures and faiths of the setting, which is also cool. I hated (and loved) the series because each novel had an 'oh CRAP' moment. With the third book, I couldn't put it down at one point, because

Well done. :)

Really, if they did a sequel, I'd rather have Beetlejuice off doing other things, rather than retreading old ground. As much as I'd love to see Winona again in the movie, I'd much rather see something new and different.

There are some things you don't joke about. Raping people is one of them.

She's M to F, from what I can tell, considering she defines herself as 'she'.

No, I don't think you sound stupid. Sadly, English does have its limitations.

That would be a matter of gender identity. If a person identifies as female, they're female. If they identify as male, they're male. Their physical biology has nothing to do with their sexual identity.

GW2's actually got a really nice user base. For the most part, they're pleasant and polite, and there's an air of cooperation. There's a few jerks, but that's to be expected, but overall, the community is strong. I think the entry price is what keeps the people who might ruin the experience out, rather than a

Strangely, I liked the totem concept. For me, it makes metaphysical sense - and explains all the totemic-themed characters that Spider-Man has had to battle. Mind you, it ties a bit closer to my actual faith, that may be why I identify with it.

I don't see it as a reboot, since the past will still have happened, the future's up in the air. I see it as 'continuity', which puts it a step higher than New 52. I can agree this isn't everybody's thing - I don't even know if it is mine yet, I'm going to need to see - but I think it is better than rebooting

The case of your cells being completely replaced every 7 to 10 years doesn't qualify. They're being replaced by your own body. To use the ship simile - what if the ship replaced the boards by growing new ones? In this case, no matter how many boards are replaced, it is the same ship - because the ship is

No, then it's art.

They did the Green Goblin in three movies, so why not do Venom in three movies? Especially considering it was a rather deep plot. They tried to cram the entire origin into Spider-Man 3, and it didn't work at all.

Check my second post on the matter. Venom isn't a crap character if you play it right. The whole 'claws and teeth and tongue' thing is a bit of a detraction, but if you look at it from the ... let's say... human angle, there's more to it and if that's what is emphasized, it can work much better, I think.

I agree, and it is a lot to cover, but I don't think the Sinister Six would be good for it. I think the Lizard would be great though - in the mid-arc. If you play the Lizard right, that's a serious, dangerous opponent for Spider-Man. I think the Vulture could have been good for Spider-Man 4 (introducing the

Actually, I've just had a long talk with the wife about Venom, and why it should be a trilogy. A part of this involved telling her about the whole Venom thing in the comics - and just how much went into this.

The problem is Venom shouldn't be a single movie. Seriously, look how long Spider-Man had the black suit before we moved into Venom territory. If you want to get to Venom, start earlier - have him get the suit in Movie 3, for example. In Movie 4, he starts being tired, because the suit's running him ragged when