Kit Foxtrot

Death! By dubstep!

My money is on Asami being more in charge in the relationship. :)

That's simple. Bi. :) She's had a crush on a guy, and on a girl. That rings as 'bi' to me.

Just be a good person. Don't stick up for people because they're black, or Asian, or whatever. Stick up for people because it's the right thing to do. The other thing I can think of is - let them speak up for themselves, and if they need help, help them. But it is their fight, and all we can do is be there when

Personally, I feel if you don't want to sweat about canon too much, you move the timeline forward. If there is enough time between stories, then certain things become less relevant. Move forward one or two generations, and more things fall into history and become less work for you since you're less likely to need to

And you could still do breeding and training for PvE, rather than PvP. But if everyone is doing PvP matches with maximized attributes anyway (through legitimate action or cheating), then it becomes almost moot to have to work up to that for PvP.

What I meant was, have your normal Pokemon, breed them all you want. If you go to battle another player, the stats inflate to 'maximum', for that battle. When you leave the PvP, they revert to normal. I think that would do wonders for resolving cheating when it comes to actual PvP and tournaments. That way, people

You know... when you go to do online battles, perhaps they should just have it so your Pokemon automatically have maxxed attributes. Then all that matters is what moves you have. Do this, and there's no reason for anyone to cheat. You've got your moves, you've got your maxxed stats, everything else is tactics.

I had someone play Mr. Green Bunny in my d6 Star Wars campaign in the 90s. I had no idea who it was, so he got away with it. He had fun though, because he named his ship the Righteous Indignation, after Bucky O'Hare's ship. That, I caught, and I let it slide, because that's just a cool name for a ship.

I remember my Jr. High school having that book in the Creative Language class. I sat there and read it cover to cover - and yeah, the artwork blew me away.

I don't think so - I doubt she's recasting past events.

I don't think she's actually doing badly with her other work. I think she just has the itch to write more Potter stuff, and she adores her fans. 12 ficlets isn't that bad.

I think this carries over from the Sarah Conner Chronicles - in that if you alter the past, your future gets edited. The timeline's been skewed so much, that this is, I feel, the perfect gambit to relaunch the franchise. They sent a Terminator far enough back that the timeline as we know it is wiped clean (much like

Not quite science fiction, but I have to unload here. Last week, I watched Sleepy Hollow, and they introduced Benedict Arnold, saying he had been possessed by an 'evil coin'. During the discussion about him, they said 'if he could undo the evil he'd done, he would'.

Admittedly, it's been about 30 years since I read Dragonflight. Thanks for the refresher. :) I'm in a happier place now.

The plot they listed above doesn't sound like the DRoP books - humans aren't telepathic on Pern, for one. I'm... conflicted.

Personally, I want to see FF VI done with the FF XIII engine. Gods, FF VI with modern graphics and game play would be epic.

I never understand these people. If they want to run a business open to the public, why can't they accept there's going to be clients they won't agree with? If they want to refuse people, don't run a business open to the public.

For the record? I liked Kissifur. I had wanted a dad as understanding as that one.

I've sadly had to put four cats to sleep in the last sixteen years, and it has been heart breaking each time.