Kit Foxtrot

Women now make almost 50% of the marketplace. That's significant. And even the guys who made GTA actually agreed Anita Sarkeesian had a point, and they were going to keep it in mind with future games, so large companies are starting to pay more attention. This is a Good Thing (TM).

But not victims, that's the difference.

No. I believe there should be a balance. Instead of having the vast majority of victims be female, cut it closer to a 50-50 split. This isn't an 'all or nothing'. This is wanting a balance.

*grins* I know, right?

Perhaps, but what would be gained by dragging this out longer than it has to be?

Exactly. :D

Yes, you could get the money, but no, that doesn't mean you have the skills to create the games - and you shouldn't be expected to. You can crowdsource the money to get the instruments to make a song - doesn't mean you've got the talents.

I have yet to hear of a high-profile doxxing of someone who is pro-GG. Got any cases for me to see? For example, where's the equivalent of what happened to Felicia Day?

No, it isn't an 'all or nothing' situation. The idea is to bring more variety into games as a whole, not suddenly exclude one aspect. So yes, there should still be games where it is a 'damsel in distress', but there should be enough games with variety, that the chance of it being a guy instead of a woman might be a

Exactly. Nicely said.

Because you can be critical of a medium without having to do something within that medium. A movie critic doesn't have to make movies. A book critic doesn't have to be an author. An art critic doesn't have to be an artist. A music critic doesn't have to be a musician. You can have the educational background to

Even though it is literally true? Someone I know actually did this as part of a research paper not too long ago:
"Of 365 incidences of shootings with more than 3 victims in the US in 2013, 357 of the shooters were male, and >200 of them, (I have an exact number, but I decided to scale back to exclude the ones that

I'll disagree. Being a gamer is a lifestyle if you do it professionally and you have to put the same work into it that you would a normal, regular job. If you aren't getting paid, then it isn't a lifestyle, it's a hobby. Or, in some cases, an obsession.

Nice to meet you, welcome to the club. :) My wife's also a part of the gaming community - and in fact I'd almost say she's more of a video gamer than I am.

There are a number of people within GG who are more than willing to 'dox' a person, and who are more than willing to threaten people. The movement is available to anyone who wants to say they're a part of it, so the short answer is 'yes'. The long answer is - the people who have their heads screwed on mostly right

No, you can't use 'make the thing yourself' as a defence. That's like saying if you think a movie's crap, you need to go make a movie to prove you can do better. Or if you don't like a book, you need to become an author. It doesn't work that way.

Heh, considering Kratos is a Spartan, why didn't you get any sex mini-games with him and guys? ;)

Sure, but why does the bad guy have to pick on a woman? Why not a guy? The point is, when a victim is needed, the majority of the time, the victim is a woman. This is a problem. Why not have a 'guy in distress'? Why not have a guy be beat up and left hanging to be rescued? Why not have the boyfriend captured and

Now playing

Nope, always been transgendered. Just post-op, probably.

:D I like how you think.