Kit Foxtrot

Got actual evidence, or is this only in your head? I'm curious - because statistically speaking, the odds of a Brony being a pedophile are damn close to 0. So, who are "all these children" you're talking about?

People have complained about the fall of society since ancient Greece. Nothing new here. You're putting way too much effort into this. (Me? I'm enjoying myself.)

Actually, the guy who runs my local gaming store mentioned that a lot of people who have purchased it have enjoyed the mechanics for the game, but are dismayed because it's MLP. So the game play is solid. It apparently sells well.

You know? I'd have to say that, while I disagree on a number of levels, your argument for your view of it is well-written and thought out. Fair enough. I have nothing to really add, but "thank you for being at least reasonable".

You know, defending a person's right to enjoy their fandom in a way which isn't hurting anyone doesn't say anything about your sexuality, right? Though, I'm glad you can acknowledge your place among the human race. So very few people understand and admit to their inner a—hole, and let along embrace it in public.

Meh. It falls under 'not hurting anyone' and 'they're having fun', so it gets filed in my "not my business" folder. Let them write what they want, let them enjoy themselves. Otherwise you're wasting too much mental space on something which really shouldn't be affecting your life at all.

That could be a problem, yes. But it's something we'll have to deal with concerning almost anything these days. I'm willing to take a 'wait and see' stance however, and I'm also willing to simply ignore most posts I consider not worth my time.

For me, the Ghostbusters doesn't have to be Ray, Winston, Peter, and Egon. They're the old guard, and deserve a place of honour, but I don't see them as essential to the franchise, whatsoever. They're the original Ghostbusters, but not the Alpha and Omega of the Ghostbusters.

I guess it depends on what you call Ghostbusters.

I don't have to deal with anyone. Unless they get in my face, I'm more than willing to ignore them. Or, if I think they're being particularly dense, I'll be more than willing to stand my ground, dig in my heels, and face them, because I live for that kind of thing.

My general view is this: 1) Are they hurting anyone? 2) Are they having fun? If the first answer is 'no', and the second answer is 'yes', then regardless of whether or not I like what they're doing, it doesn't matter. It isn't any of my business. So, if the person in question is a "manchild", means nothing to

Yes, it would be abandoning the original characters. So what? It could be 'some years later', and not a reboot, or it could be a reboot with a reimagining for the modern age. As long as it's Ghostbusters, and has a good story? I'm cool with it.

Ghostbuster is an occupation, not a person. So, a woman who decides to start up a franchise would be just as legitimate as a guy who applies. So it isn't genderbending.

In this case, I think it would have to be new characters.

I'm perfectly fine with an all-woman team. The original team were all men, so why not have a team that's all women? It doesn't have to be a plot point, either. It just happens to work out that way, nobody bats an eye, and the story goes forward.

Ah, well, yes. I've a friend who's competitionist. He's finished mapping the entire world, he's finished all the dungeons (and I think all the different paths in the dungeons), and he's now doing Guild Raids. I don't know if he's done many Fractals though, but there's added story elements to the fractals, too. I

Okay, I'm going to have to ask. What would you consider 'end game' material? For me, it's 'play the game'. I carry on as I did before I finished my personal story. Hit the dailies, gather materials, finish my crafting, wander the world and pick up the odd achievement, gather new skins, collect dyes I've missed,

Yep. Everything's so serene, so peaceful, so beautiful, then OH CRAP WHAT WAS THAT? ;)

Well, yes, if you want to get a Legendary, it takes work (or about $150 in cash). If you want end-game content, there's the Fractals, and then there's the non-story mode for each of the dungeons. Oh, and of course, the Living Story which comes out every two weeks (and I've been enjoying chapter 2, the new story's

There's build customization. Pick two weapons you like, choose what traits you feel work best with them, get the armour and crests / sigils which work best for that, and go-to. They're also planning to add more weapons to each of the classes, which means more skills as well, and they recently added another few