
As some one in Japan.. while the in the past generations Japanese generally preferred Sony and Nintendo’s offering, its beginning to change with this current generation. There’s a perception here that Sony is no longer a Japanese company, with all the games being released in the US first, and the PS5 being more

It’s worth noting that the Original Sin games would never have been good as they were without Early Access - those were constantly ironed out over years via Kickstarter/Early Access feedback, resulting in the final editions that have been so praised. BG3 will likely follow the same trajectory.

Add jam?

Add jam?

Any solutions for getting peanut butter off my face when I’ve rubbed peanut butter all over my face?  Obviously first step might be to stop rubbing peanut butter all over my face but anything else? (Oh side note about crumbs in bed...maybe don’t eat in bed you lazy DERP)

Any solutions for getting peanut butter off my face when I’ve rubbed peanut butter all over my face?  Obviously

They’re complaining that it’s too tough, then admit that one of the members was drunk and had to be replaced before they beat the encounter... Yeah, sure sounds like the game itself is the issue there.

Regarding people complaining that it might take them more than one reset to beat it, welcome to actual Raiding, and

Nintendo doesn’t want you to hack your switch.

No, gambling has a prize you can win with monetary value. This is worse.

Eat the rich

Well, sure. But if your home wiring is completely ungrounded then you’ve got potentially bigger problems then a wifi connection for your fighting games.

Game is not multiplayer. They can say whatever they want about maybe being able to see each other, but they have said over and over that this is not a multiplayer game (ie not online, ie never going to see each other). Protip - box even says 1 player.

Just one more bold step of consoles’ trek into obsolescence.

sorry but many many many people disagree with you. They took $60 dollar a piece games and upped them to $120 a piece now with the DLC, and worse yet, the games are usually buggy and 1/2 finished. This is why I pirate every game released. If the game is complete and not a $120 ripoff then I buy it, which does not

You typed far too many words to just say “hit it and forget it”!

Fuck that. Discombobulated, hit that shit. Bitches ain’t nuthin’ but hos and tricks.

And he'll call it "Mettle Gear"

I’m not very worried. It’s going to be fucking fantastic. I’m suuuuper excited. It’ll be neat to see (what I’m guessing will be) FFXV-style combat in the FFVII setting. I hope they don’t fuck over the Materia system, that’s the only thing I’m worried about at all. The Materia system was the best magic/skill system in

When they change the name of the country to something other than the United States of America.

After they got about 30ft away the dental floss connecting their cups broke and communication was lost. They’re all just chillin submerged 30ft from dock trying to send carrier pigeons but they keep drowning. Fuckin pigeons.

Of course they’re entitled, they bought the game in the first place on the promise of no fees and regular significant updates every two weeks. Like, I get that people are overly entitled and expect things they shouldn’t, but nobody expects the expansion to be free.

It’s not the nostalgia. WotLK nailed everything, it was close to perfection.