
Everything about Scientology is bananas, but parents cutting children (or Vice versa) is really off. Like, you buy into this so much that you would stop talking to a loved one just because they decide to leave? I respect Nicole Kidman for keeping her relationships with her children private, but I’ve always wondered if

Yeah, I thought he was like 5’4”

Looking up her info, I forgot that she co-wrote Kylie Minogue’s Spinning Around! It was supposed to be her comeback song, but she gave it to Kylie and it ended up being a big hit for her.

I think claiming she was in an altered state when she made (presumably in her mind) regrettable decisions is her way of not taking full responsibility. So, yeah, she had something to gain.

Is anyone else having a hard time logging in? I use my google account to login to Kinja and I could not login for a few days.

“loves the whole bad boy thing Tyga has going on, and she’s pretty much addicted to his Insta feed:”

I love her.

I really thought “dwarf tossing” was going to be an analogy for something.

No disrespect to the writer, but I miss Lindy West writing about Goop.

I had a bedbug infestation ten years ago in nyc and it does cause mental distress. I’m not allergic, so I didn’t wake up with any welts. It was horrifying when I noticed one crawling on my bag. 

Lol I was thinking similarly. 

Iggy Azalea’s ex boyfriend’s little brother allegedly hit a rollerblader in 2016 with her car, so now she is reportedly being sued.

I’m curious as to how they met. How did she cross paths with David Silver?

His name is on the statement. He’s pursuing assault charges.

The “Gay Latino Immigrant” has spoken:

A friend waited on him in LA and said he was rude.

Rihann has stated that she would never use anyone as a publicity stunt; that too often black women and trans women are used in fashion for PR.

I stood behind Winona Ryder in line at a Duane Reade. When she walked up to the counter, she was really cheerful and friendly. When the cashier asked, “aren’t you an actress?” She got really quiet. I actually had no idea that it was her (she was wearing a big floppy hat and I didn’t recognize the voice). When it was

Yeah, ok

a daughter named Banks”