Kirth Gersen

Thanks a lot JD!.

Awesome reply, thanks a lot!.

Ok, gotcha!. I was already scouring Amazon!. Thanks for replying.

Do you agree with the reviews?, what was your take, compared to other blockbusters?.

Is it?. Honest question.

I thought it was pretty obvious how he decided NOT to pick it up, giving the terror and anguish creeping up Thor’s face when he barely gave it a nudge and then the cascades of relief when that was all he did.

I got the other two. Which one Neil did , before S of I & F that is?.

A part from cost, what are you missing?.

Le Guin, Ellison and Bradbury are missing from that list.

I bought an anthology by a local talent BEF, who did a masterful translation along with other writer, and this little (Story Of Your Life) was in it.

This sounds enticing Clarice...

My thoughts exactly.

He is not the Hero we need, but the Hero we deserve.

That is some Gully Foyle shit too.

For some reason I hate this ghosting term, like it is a millennial thing.

Deja Vu?.

Everybody is welcome to live south of the border, in any of the countries you may find more to your taste.

Awesome post!.