Thanks a lot man. Enjoyed them and read them. Don’t wait man!. The same with all the other things you might have postponed.
Thanks a lot man. Enjoyed them and read them. Don’t wait man!. The same with all the other things you might have postponed.
Yeah, yeah, you know, like I just told my coworker, he is into great thrillers and conspiracies right?, and I was telling - “him yo! check this guy AndrosZ, his cousin Julio believes in alien conspiracies and there is a new movie coming to Netflix about it man!” -. And he was like -“Whaaaa, like the Gibson guy with…
Thanks to someone who broke into our house while we were bereaving, and stole all my comic boxes I never got to finish it.
Does Fahey knows about this!!?. If not break him the news slooowly, the man is convalescent!.
Quills relationship with his mother is expressed in two films.
I think that after seeing so many headlines like this:
Trembling voice: Baaaabaaa yagaaaa...
I am in love with this wonderful woman. Here is one of her first performances I ever watched.
...haven’t been since the Ronaldo/Rivaldo/Ronaldihno superteam
Beth, I saw this movie on a 4DX theater which in my country means the seats shake, rumble and press some parts of your back, also there is air coming from the head rest, big fans and flashing lights on the ceiling and water and air coming from the front seat, so...
According to his beliefs may he find peace and solace in the afterlife knowing that he gave the ultimate gift, his life for that of not one, but twelve others so hey could have a chance to live.
Awesome!. Just to double check you got everything you need (all 5 books)...
I read you, and it is true, but if this administration has showed anything is how easily they gossip and embarrass each other no matter how many generals surveil them or top secret/confidential stamps they put on each others foreheads.
Glad to meet you fellow Vancian!.
That is why it is important to keep engaging, protesting, donating and supporting your local newspaper, NPR, blog, etc.
Yesss!!!. You did it guys. Thanks for all the reporting, following and civil confrontation that everybody here and on their own have been doing.
In other words, he better be damn sure he can score there if he is going to go because the potential to harm his team is bigger than the potential gain.
What a beauty!.
Now this is what I call a great article. What an interestting character Judex is and on top of that from the creator of Fantomas, the elegant menace, certainly Bob Kane was influenced by it as they both were by the Count of Montecristo.
¡Esta chingonsisimoooo!.