
Welp, Aimée Lutkin, thank you for making it clear Kotaku will no longer have my patronage. I’ve never posted a comment in the years I’ve read this site...but I’ve also never seen it publish a ‘How to’ on subverting some our most fundamental laws and, in the cases of repeat illegal reentry offenders, accessories to

Everything about this case is disgusting. Who the hell looks at the shooting of a pedophile by his 16-year old trafficking victim and thinks anything but “Good riddance”? And why the hell have a separate child justice system if you’re going to try minors as adults anytime you feel like it?

Read Malazan. then proceed to be disappointed with all other fantasy forever because Malaz is peak.

So is it ok for Balck Panther to be a cultural celebration(black nationalism in your words) and the Witcher not be a cultural celebration of polish people? But you only see skin color right? If your skin is white you should be dismissed? Why can’t both be celebrations? Why would it be so wrong for the show to stick

Seriously?!? WTF?!?

But that is the beauty of the Russia hysteria: we no longer have to be self reflective of our failures, just blame Putin. It was a brilliant invention over shake shack frys. The DNC has totally avoided any change of behavior or strategy by blaming Putin for losing to Trump. If they can pull that’s off, why wouldn’t

And there is an error in thinking in the conservative movement that forces us to cave to liberals at every turn, hoping we’ll get what we want next time. Even while we endure the name-calling and incivility that flows from the mouths and minds of liberals.

Yet another person who thinks racial quotas and squashing individuality are progress.

Different careers. They have different careers. What should we do? Pay everyone the same regardless of their experience and talents Cough cough Hollywood communism cough wink puke.

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

Uh-uh. Stash Your Keys Under On Top of Important Items so You Don’t Leave Them Behind. Take it from a certified scatterbrain: it works better.

But you can’t handle reading any dissenting views. At all. You like only progressive voices. I choose to read the Times, Atlantic, Economist, this shitty website, because I actually enjoy collecting dissenting evidence. I know what they are saying on Fox news, and I agree with 90% of is, so why bother? You should

Part of being a fascist is having no tolerance for opposing opinions. Which sure sounds a lot like most of you in these comment sections.

How’s that different from what we currently have? Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Vermont, New Hampshire, etc. all have an equal number of senators to California. That imbalance existed from the beginning when Virginia had many people and Rhode Island didn’t. That’s part of statehood. If you take away that

Except you just know the 71's OS is going to slow it down after the 72 comes out; “to maximise operating life”. Better get air traffic control to do the famous speed check before and after.

Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.

Unrelated. But I dont want to talk about Trump anymore... where is AVClub’s commentary on Travelers s2? That shit was great.

No, he hasn’t. He’s stated he’s OK with it multiple times, because he admits he didn’t really come up with the idea.

And some men will have their lives irrevocably ruined by unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct.

Better idea: