
TDS is strong here.....  lulz

Question - was it racist 10 years ago?

Do you lock your doors at night? I bet your answer is yes.

Again with the outrage culture.   No doubt that LCK fucked up.  He admitted it.  So are we going to be made at him forever because of this?

sounds like it would be terrible for fps

Say you want it a 155 internal temp. Assuming it sits a few minutes after the grill, it should arrive at your table with that very medium pink in the center. 


In a way it’s funny. But two things.

This sounds deliciously disgusting - the kind of joke chip you’d put out for friends you secretly hate. 

If we as gamers would treat this like any other sport; You’d know the persons background. You’d know what other games this person played and how good they were in that game. I personally don’t get the sexism aspect ( if you’re good, you’re good ). But I do understand the questioning about skill vs account level. If

It’s outrage culture...        OMG, you did something bad a long time ago.   We all collectively hate you now, forever!

Really? I quit facebook a few years back when they refused to let me use my second name as my account name, insisting that instead, I use my first.     I wrote a strongly worded email to Marky Z ( whom never responded ) and promptly asked for my account to be deleted. 

Whats a modern car to you? It’d work on my 2006 Buick

The F’n truth

#1 I love black people

Wilson is the worst as a person?     WTF are you talking about?

That was a cry for help.   Please Atlanta, help the poor lady.

Booo fucking hooo


The problem is, by doing so, they alienate the very people that made them a great company.  I used to work at a financial company and the time when the company had the most growth was the finance dpt left the creative ( tech at the time) folks alone.    We went from a company managing 200b in assets to 1trillion in