
Anything containing leavened or unleavened bread/wheat/grain/potato which forms a container, containing other foodstuffs is a sandwich. 

Games like this dumb down games to the point where they are no longer worth playing.

*me yelling across the room* I’ll be right there hun, somebody on the internet is wrong!

Or... theory here mind you. Darwin was right.

Outgunned?   The right owns most of the guns in this country. 

Yet it’s the left who keeps starting the violence. Antifa anybody?

Um, really? How stupid are you? I’m sorry about the insult but there are two things you need to know.

Last election, some dude at the blackhat convention, cracked a voting machine in 30 seconds or so

This advertisement disguised as an article was paid for by Shell

Because Skyrim and ESO. ESO was the replacement for the next elder scrolls. And it wasn’t until recently (developmentally speaking) that they decided to make ES6.   The fear is understandable.   Do you want to wait 8-10 years for another real fallout game?   I don’t.  

I am so glad I said NO to this.    Taking fallout online was/is a huge mistake. 

I look.

booo  hooo   waaaaaa waaaaa waaaa

When you are that old where you need to be in an assisted living facility, quite often you are bound by their rules and regulations. For example, for years and years, I picked up an 80+ year old woman and took her to church on Sundays. We had to sign paperwork, I had to prove my car was insured, there were a whole

Did you read the story or just the headline. Having permission to be at an assisted living facility does not give you permission to remove people from said facility. You need different permissions. It’s a question of liability.

No, not really. BVM secured rights to be at the facility, not to remove people from the facility. It sounds more like a matter of liability and paperwork. than anything else. I.E. If god forbid there was a crash and the facility did not have their paperwork in order, the families could sue because the seniors are

Can you clarify something Annie?

you are so deluded, it boggles the mind

This is wrong, this is beyond racist.  You are endorsing Violence.   This is what facists and communists do.   You are acting like the propaganda wing of the Stazi.   Shame on you.  

I’m sorry, but that is not racism.    I know real racism.   This wasn’t that.   This was and is a deranged woman lying.