
Some are most likely children, twats who have Internet access from getting an iPhone at age 9

All the folks on EG (myself included) thought it was rather pointless as well. This usually isn't their style

Guys, before you take this to heart, there is WAY too much not being taken into account here. This is just a theory test on graphics cards of next gen; obviously the new consoles have much more to them. Besides, even the graphics cards aren't completely representative. It's an interesting comparison, nothing more.

"A next gen console getting outsold by it's predecessor?"

In Soviet Russia...

Possibly, but they aren't hiding it. Now, the PS3/360 version....euch



"You're welcome, Internet"

To the general public it still looks like a jumble of awesomeness. (Not me, I see where you're coming from, but still)


This game so deserves all this coverage

Or you're Lakitu

I overcompensated and bought a 20 foot USB extension cable...

Game of Phones! :D

Metal Gear Snowden 3: Prism Eater


Don't worry, it is.

Or, you know, any USB-micro USB cord. I lost the original and just pulled one from an old camera