
Oh god. I get annoyed enough hearing a small bit of absurd pop rap in the background.

Here's my relationship with trophies/achievements:

Cannot be unseen

No ice?

I probably laughed way too hard at the dead cat helicopter

I'd prefer them to be disassembled

Battlefield players aren't that bad. The game is too hard for scum like these people

What platform and class do you play on?

They're getting smarter

I was about to ask that. Seeing as I've put about 60 or so hours into the normal version, not too keen to start over unless it's something good

Idea: Finding Nemo. Use if ya want

I would like to know what a tosspot is.

By day, they plan. By night, they POUNCE!

Built in.

It's releasing on November 31st ;)

Now is a good time to get a PS3. Make sure to get TLOU, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2

Yeah, really. I've found $ to be really useful. Just type it right after the word, backspace, and you can press space without corrections.

Pshhh. The car is where it's at.

Space octopus