
I'm getting an HTC One. I'm pretty tired of my iPhone 4 by this point!

Hopefully it'll be fine by the next time I upgrade...getting an Android in a few weeks!

Yup, that happens to me too. Pro tip: If you're using an apple device, a $ will cancel word corrections

4K for movies, but not gaming

I think they're just afraid to say the word "steam" in a console article ;)

You're too late, they had a different starting paragraph up. It was: Cole McGrath is dead. First sentence. Displayed right on the front page

FYI I've completed it twice. Both endings.

Or, that bolt of lightning lit his boat on fire...

That really isn't an excuse. You can spoil the game all you want, but FFS, don't put the spoiler warning after spoiling it.

Change the headline and opening paragraph. Now.

Now that I think about it, Nintendo sounds awfully like a newborn kitten.

For door glitch ing?

No offense...but that's a really sad fate to be locked to, if you are swayed by trophies for your next purchase


Gigabit for everyone!

No, I think you're mistaking their temper tantrum for a business move.

That is awesome.

What comes after three?

Hah, it was suggested to me at an engineering meet-up. GIGABIT AWAYYY

My superpower would be always-on Wi-Fi.