
Their changes are, but their starting philosophy was frightening.

Spark sounds like it could be their LittleBigPlanet. A celebration of creativity and the ingenuity of its users. Instead, MORE GRIT AND GUNS

I don't want it to be a massacre. I want a skirmish and a slap in the face to Microsoft, to wake up to what consumers really want. And THEN I would love both consoles to do well.

Way to be open minded.

Okay, I'll give it to them. That's pretty nifty.

Why so sad, Fahey? Or are those tears of undeniable probe joy?

I personally would have used a QWOP gif, but still.

"BACK IT UP! Keep going! You're good! Just keep going!"

Being self-aware is trippy, isn't it?

What if you're an isolated observer? Would the impact on your time travel be profound?

So, you die in your universe. Right-o?

I just like the concept. By no means is it gonna sell me on the One, but it looked nice.

Fair enough. I was wondering, because if you played a PS3, there's a ton of new blood because of plus.

What platform do you play on?

A single infantryman usually doesn't take out a tank if they have a good crew. I would know. The main cannon guy handles copters and jeeps and 1v1s other tanks, and the gunner has a flak jacket that takes out the runners and gets out of the tank, and takes cover behind the tank, repairing it with an engineer torch.

I want call of duty to stay the same. Keeps that part of the shooter community out of my games.

YY NoHope4yourcareer

It's an open freaking world Sunny D game. What's not to like? :v

Err, my PC had a driver crash trying to play TF2. So...yeah.

Not to mention battery life