
Two words:

Who better to bring it to consoles than reknowned shovel ware producer as of late, Activision?

I bet they both work the same way :)

Shoutcasting dominoes?

Somebody photoshop his head into this week's 'Shop contest. Go!

Can we just kill Price off already?

I'm sure I could find one, but not at the moment.

And? I picked the name in a moment of stupidity, lol.

Those dam Russian hakr!

It's been fairly civil so far.

Err, I don't think you quite understood him

I'd like to join you in that I told ya so.

Cool it. Devs often start out with a game not on final, or actual hardware. I'd recommend you search for a few tech interviews, Kay?

Personally I'm ready for Space Cold War, but I can see the basis for your hype. To be fair, I won't be terribly excited about Killzone SF until we see a guy who knows the game in and out (no offense to you, Jason!) to give us a gameplay demo. Historically, devs suck at playing their own game anyways.

I'm flattered!

Agree here. I'm no killzone fanboy, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I can get my twitch fix from Battlefield (TDM + M1014, lol) and I can see Modern Warfare 1 and Black Ops for what they're worth (maybe World at War, but with hackers abound, it's hard to enjoy).


Well, might I suggest Far Cry 3? Fulfills those requirements.

Two things.

I personally enjoyed 2. Haven't played three. But this Killzone looks to revitalize its gameplay. That's what I'm making a case for; not K2, but 4.