
Those dam Russian hakr!

It's been fairly civil so far.

Err, I don't think you quite understood him

I'd like to join you in that I told ya so.

Cool it. Devs often start out with a game not on final, or actual hardware. I'd recommend you search for a few tech interviews, Kay?

Personally I'm ready for Space Cold War, but I can see the basis for your hype. To be fair, I won't be terribly excited about Killzone SF until we see a guy who knows the game in and out (no offense to you, Jason!) to give us a gameplay demo. Historically, devs suck at playing their own game anyways.

I'm flattered!

Agree here. I'm no killzone fanboy, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I can get my twitch fix from Battlefield (TDM + M1014, lol) and I can see Modern Warfare 1 and Black Ops for what they're worth (maybe World at War, but with hackers abound, it's hard to enjoy).


Well, might I suggest Far Cry 3? Fulfills those requirements.

Two things.

I personally enjoyed 2. Haven't played three. But this Killzone looks to revitalize its gameplay. That's what I'm making a case for; not K2, but 4.

I assume you aren't familiar with Battlefield? Brink? Team Fortress?

I have. Tell me, is there a single inch of creative environment in Crysis 1? Any engine usage dedicated to liveliness or inspiration? Same shacks, the alien ship was interesting but ultimately forgettable, and the snow sequence was an excuse by the coders, not the writers, to throw in an annoying escort component

Well, overall, shooters are stale, but I'm interested what things they might innovate (not invent) upon.

No. Not at all. Crysis is only appreciable as an advancement in graphics, not as an artistic attempt, which is infinitely more important to the cosmetic appeal. Dreary jungles, "photorealistic" boring New York streets, and asylum corridors are uninspired as presented by the trilogy.

How so? I happen to like the heavy feel. It's weighty and a nice transition from the loose feel of Call of duty and others.

Maybe, but I've found that, as much as I love the Crysis series (huge fan here), it's definitely hard to experience as intended, and even then, is more a technological marvel than a refined masterpiece. Just my thoughts.

Haha! I've fallen back on playing shooters anyways.

Well, I give all classes a (ahem) shot once in a while at the very least