
Call of duty looks incredibly stale already

Crysis has zero art direction

Who honestly plays only one class in a shooter?

Campaign yes, multiplayer no. It's awesome to be a part of a squad that turns the match around in the final minutes of an hour long conquest game

Meant on PS4

I mean on the ps4

Duct tape is surprisingly efficient in covering objects up.

What are you talking about?! The D-pad is excellent on Sony controllers, even the Vita. D-pad is Microsoft's issue

Buttons aren't pressure sensitive.

EG has had a good day.

On the contrary, this is fairly standard on Kotaku at the end of a day.

Plenty of stealth potential. Snowstorms with limited visibility would be exciting and build tension.

This before anything else

Snow. I want a snow far cry.

I really really want to play a next gen Wipeout on PS4 with a true cockpit cam.

One step closer to Tranquility Lane.

You forgot to confirm Half Life 3 ;)



I never got to see the ending of XCOM. My squad basically got killed off in a single turn. I sat there in disbelief. And then a few seconds after I just shut the game off, too discouraged to reload a save or finish with a few green soldiers.