
That's not...*stifled laughter*..fuh..*snigger*...

Maybe there's a subliminal message for console peasants here? :)

Hey Shane, when it says "Tomorrow", does that mean you have a good deal on them tomorrow, like a one shot, or just not included in today's post? In the market for a Vita!

It's a hand me down phone :l

Yeah, i worded it poorly

I doubt we'll see any difference the first few years. Maybe in the third, but we'll see real gems down the road

Okay, stealing was a crappy word for this. More like "Occupying".

Thanks for the correction!

Now that I think about it, every abbreviation sounds like a high performance race car or space vehicle

Firstly, a comparison to a PC isn't a good way to start off. Developers need to optimize for many different configurations on PC, so that their games can run. On the contrary, consoles are all about squeezing every inch of performance out of the systems, running at 100%. There's no argument that the Xbox One has less

Okay, I'm not asking for an argument. I'm simply stating the facts. Microsoft gave us almost zero pros for their vision of the future. The family sharing thing was cool, but a draconian implementation of DRM was not in good fashion. That being said, I was hoping they'd include everything. It would have been

How much have you really studied the specs? The OS takes up 3 GB alone. If that isn't bloated, I don't know what is.

Source, and maybe I'll believe you

I'm thinking next gen will be a war of philosophies. Which manufacturers ideals for the future will win

First of all, we saw plenty of utilization of the PS3 this gen, particularly in The Last of Us. Secondly, the OS of Microsoft is bloated, stealing as much as 3GB of RAM and injuring the games. Lastly, the Xbox One won't have all of its features available at launch, either. The Family Plan and discless gaming from

On the contrary, my iPhone 4 can't run many titles at an acceptable rate.

No, I seriously had no idea. I'm kind of used to Live screwing you guys over.

There's no amount of play testing that can find all bugs. Heck, I still see deer majestically soaring through the air in Skyrim

Wait, you have to be a Live member to patch your games?