
They're making Tearaway. LBP was handed to some over developer.

I'd say all of the gaming community.


I wouldn't buy it anyways... :/ well unless you're a diehard fan of it, then i'd just recommend buying AC1. Campaign is a chore, and the cities are lame.

Is dark really that different from Demon's? I quit Demon's after getting stuck with a Thief class on the massive sludge shell dude.

No, Microsoft used ESRAM, which is worse than edRAM.

Let's help dad run the water plant! the game

Didn't somebody comment about this yesterday?

I'm saying they care about post launch support, while understanding that if they included a Cell chip, the prices would have skyrocketed. So they're compromising with Gaikai and post launch PS3 support. It's obvious with the recent release of quality titles they fully intend to support it.

With the inclusion of Gaikai, it will be in '14

I feel you...what was I thinking :/

Hold up, how's Bayonetta on the PS3? I've heard issues with technicals (frame rate drops) but I wanna know how it is so I can buy it.

With the PS3 launch models, why did they include BC then? And the PS2 was supported onwards

Heck, Microsoft has all but stopped supporting the 360

Fifa 14 begs to differ, haha

No. 27 GB downloads suck

Haha! I don't forget much anything. Are you gonna jump on this deal?

The last of us may seem average until you actually experience it

Come on, don't forget Blood Dragon!
