
That Prop work on Doc Ock. Holy shit.

Punk Doctor for sure

Think it’s safe to say Nerd Rage won.

They have already announced a very good counter for him. Orisa’s secondary acts to pull enemies out of position, she is a tank and has a long range primary. That sounds like a Bastion fighter to me.

Yeah. And unless I read everything wrong, you can actually cause it to occur. The probability of it occuring is low. In all honesty, this is like that one video everyone hypes up of Deigo blocking (parrying, whatever) Chun Li. And everyone’s going “yes, yes, yes” like M. Bison.

Long live katie’s mgs comics

“Speed Racer” is a goddamned masterpiece and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Christ, still to this day I have teammates that will poke their head through the shield before firing their weapon.

I’m still waiting on my Winston buff. Of all the tanks in this game, he’s the only one not to be a part of the current tank meta. Not to mention he’s not even particularly good at the role he’s supposed to play.

Bloodborne the first time I played. It took me almost three hours, and an insane amount of deaths, to realize you were supposed to pick up a weapon before fighting the very first enemy wolf thing. It took me months to get over how pissed I was and go back. I simply thought that was the insane difficulty everyone was

They should’ve gotten Jane Lynch to voice the Jane Lynch character.

that will be a depressing DLC...

Just so you know Mikkuru is a bigot and troll, dismiss him as soon as you can.

Still less of a wall troll than the BS Mei players are pulling in the Ecopoint map right now.

At the moment i’m hating Symetra, so OP ughhh...

There’s a dead guy right there in the commercial, no wonder why mama was never released.

Arby’s takes a lot of flack from comedians, but I like their food. Yeah, I admit it! Give me a nice french dip on a cold winter’s day. Their new buffalo chicken mini is very good too.