
“ when you block them from passing through you are detaining them.”

By that measure, I should be filing criminal complaints against some freight railroads that run through the area...

So when that bunch of schoolkids decided to cross the street, they were detaining me ?

It certainly would have been easy to say “I’m afraid for my life”, especially with my family in the car, and exercise the great disparity of force I control in a vehicle to run over a bunch of kids, sure. But I’m not sure how that would have improved the situation.

So what you’re saying is that the people who justify this action, have intelligence and cognitive capacities similar to a rhino?

Dude, get a grip on the reality of this situation. No one’s life was endangered nor were they being threatened. Someone drove into the middle of a crowd, found themselves unsurprisingly unable to mvoe a giant vehicle through a mass of uncoordinated people, panicked, and then unnecessarily exercised potentially lethal

If you can freely exit your car and walk away, you’re not being detained because driving is not a right. The road may be blocked, but that happens everyday with traffic, train crossings, construction, etc. Unless you’re being violently pulled out of your car and beaten, there is no excuse for driving into a crowd and

Is that defence even permitted for non-whites?

You almost slipped the ‘asked him to go another way’ part.

So the police are guilty of kidnapping and it’s a regular thing? No wonder people are protesting.

Never heard of someone literally being kidnapped in their vehicle. Nice to see that incredibly stupid people are capable of such impressive mental gymnastics, though. Cue Archie Bunker theme... 

Serious question: If pedestrians feel threatened by nearby vehicles, is it okay for them to open fire on said vehicle with whatever firearms are at their disposal? I assume by your logic that you think it is.

You are the problem

Your shitty mall crawler being slowed down by protests doesn’t justify endangering the lives of others. You are not that important, and neither is your vanity school bus.

I’m going to go ahead and say I’d much rather protest for justice than do whatever your comment is. 

If you are in a car and deliberately driving into a protest, you are the problem.

The “fearing for my life” get-out-of-jail card continues to work!

FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend asshole drivers who attempt to murder people with their cars.

This reminds me of the time we got stuck in the Freddie Gray protests while in Baltimore. I had to run over an intersection full of people to escape with my life.

“ThE ThuG wAs ImPedIng On mY fReeDoM oF tRaVeL

FoLlOw ThE lAw AnD rEsPeCt ThE pOlIcE!*