
Sincerely, every Jalopnik commenter.

They probably gave him the rate on the condition that he’d have pants on the next time he walked into a PenFed branch.

If only it was a “Sportback”.

So are you gonna buy it or what

OUTCOME THREE: Write a letter to a well- semi- sometimes-respected blogger. Outline your concerns. Elicit sympathy. Get him to paint your tragic picture with his word-brush. Let him share it with his focused audience. Step one is complete.

Finally something is accessible on an Audi engine without assuming the maintenance position.


What you really want to do is gift him with these nifty rides which these lovely ladies will deliver as soon as they’ve finished pimping them.

Y’all need to straight up grow some balls when it comes to Jeremy Clarkson. Yeah, he punched a guy in the face but that was at the same time that he had a dying mother, job problems (the ‘slope’ investigation thing), and a divorce coming. And yeah, he’s said racist and somewhat sexist things, but who cares? He’s just

Biggest missed tip, buy an ODB bluetooth module and an app on your phone and connect to the car to check for faults.

For sale:

If I owned a Saturn Ion I would try to kill it too.

Totally dissed my submission, not even a rejection email, why do I still read this site. :(

Or did a google and is listing the least scary response.

Don’t care whether it comes to our region or not. Sticking with the smaller N3DS and never going back. I can have something like this.

We’ve got a guy who is flirting with the girl, and the girl still having feelings for the guy. It will not end well, and you’re right... nip that shit in the bud. My wife and I had the general rule about exes: Do they still have even the slightest feelings for one of us? If yes, then the friendship is over. We’re not

No. If you have feelings for someone you shouldn’t, the smart thing is to create distance. You didn’t even address it in your reply. This is like that letter about the Twitch streamer who continued to hang out with someone who offered to buy her lingerie all over again.