Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for the heads up.
Activate the 30-day first, then stack this card on top of it. I didn't try adding the 7-day card that came with Killzone, but maybe it'll stack, maybe it won't—it's just 7 days.
Annoying? Yeah, a little bit, but I love that Yamaha receiver I have and see no real reason to run out and buy a new one until it dies.
Claptrap is awesome.
This is the killer feature for me. In my house/situation, I almost ALWAYS have to play with headphones—now, they won't cost me an extra $100+.
Some of us have receivers that pre-date HDMI. I run HDMI to the TV and digital audio to the receiver.
I only clicked on this article in the hopes that someone had posted this picture so I could up-vote it. Thanks for not disappointing me.
Really, you have a source? Because the giant FAQ from Sony last week STILL states "is no thicker than 9.5mm."
Likely nothing. I have an Apple TV for that and my guess is the PS4 won't play well with my Harmony remote (without spending $who-knows-what for some adapter).
Yeah, not to me. I just don't expect to fill it up that fast. How many games do you actually play all at one time? With me it's 2 or 3. Then, I'm done with it (likely) forever and delete whatever cache it put there. I expect this 500GB will last me at least a year or two (maybe more) and by then, you can probably pick…
As others have stated, the internal HDD is user-swappable. The problem is going to be finding a decently priced drive that has enough capacity to make it worthwhile. It requires a 9.5mm tall laptop drive. Most of them are 12.5mm. The few 9.5mm drives you find seem to top out at around 1TB which, for me, isn't enough…
I played games with the Xbox One controller at an Area One event and I've held the PS4 controller multiple times (as they've shipped/been available ahead of the console). The One controller still has a slight edge over the Dualshock 4, but the gap has narrowed.
[Heads up: This article contains spoilers for the endings of Mass Effect, Mass Effect 3, BioShock, GTA IV and Return of the Jedi.]
Meh. I don't care. I have no less than 3 devices that can do this in my entertainment center and when I eventually have to replace my nearly 10 year-old Yamaha receiver, whatever I buy will also be able to do that.
Agreed. And, honestly, I'm still using an older 2.4Ghz Turtle Beach headset which has a lot of audio drops and crackles. So, a clean signal regardless of how down-sampled it might be would probably be an improvement!
Here's a question that I haven't seen answered anywhere:
So, from my reading of the headset section, it sounds like you can plug a set of stereo headphones directly into the controller, set all game output to the headset, and no need to buy yet another set of expensive, wireless headphones! If that's true, awesome—why aren't more people talking about that?! I do almost all…
This is so ADD—it made my head spin just watching it. Who does that many things at once?!
Tomb Raider.