"So you know cats are interesting. They are kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you it's great. But if you try to talk to them it doesn't always go so well"
"So you know cats are interesting. They are kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you it's great. But if you try to talk to them it doesn't always go so well"
@Bubbleman!: this... can't be possible. right?
Holy. Crap.
@zeco: I think what happened here is that the author owns an iphone and knows that video chatting for him is very likely going to end up a one way street unless the other companies adopt facetime.
@mruler360: aside from massive price hikes?
@Time Pilot AKA: I think I've taken like, maybe 1 video with a phone I've owned in my entire life.
@kapanak: yep. from now on, skinned android OS is a dealbreaker for me.
Sheesh, before everyone flails their geeky arms in outrage over the lack of a Snapdragon chip:
@Time Pilot AKA: I'm in the same boat as far as trying to convince people that this "old" phone is still one of the best android phones out there. And I definitely agree with you on the motoblur. I can't say much about the keyboard without trying it out, but I do know that the gpu + vanilla android is what sold me on…
@Time Pilot AKA: from droid-life:
@talkingstove: I don't know, if I were an early adopter of the first droid, I could rest assured all the accessories I bought (docks, cases, etc) would still work fine with an upgraded phone.
@Anonymoose: But Pandora is real, right? Cameron COULDN'T have made that up too. there's no way.
@Geisrud: more importantly, how did it end up in the gulf of mexico??
@jbouklas: @dennis636223: @stackstack: thanks thanks thanks!
sorry if I'm out of the loop, but has the Evo been rooted yet?
I haven't seen Giz so skeptical about apple products since... well before that whole thingy happened with the ithingy prototype.
Ballmer: RROD? Comment? Pls?
Clearly Microsoft dropped the ball on the e-reader craze (surprise!) and is adapting the Nook as it's own?
@Lord Raggleus Fraggleus: actually I hear it's an overrated strip club.
You want to hurry this up, Clark? I'm freezing my baguettes off.