
She is a very talented musician, but seems like someone who was bullied in school, got some power, then bullied people because she could, then blames people making fun of her as an excuse for her actions.

Thank the universe my life isn’t as boring as these nutjobs.

They use to check IDs at the gate. Not sure why they stopped.

If you are a decorator doing a large Easter display project, these would come in handy.

controlled by an adversarial government”

Sadly it would have worked. The GQP is so stupid they will grovel to anyone who might be on their side.

I can’t imagine being an engineer on that project and watching that happen. :(

There are skeletons of giant worm like bugs on some of the terminid planets. This is a teaser just like all the destroyed mechs, jeeps, and APVs that are scattered around. We have mechs now. Jeeps and APVs are coming soon too. So look out for those giant skeletons.

This is what happens when you change the name from St Louis Bread Co.

Sadly Mike will catch a lucky hit from Paul and go down. Then all of Paul’s racist fans will go “See! He’s better than Tyson!”

I would put back up the old brown NYC subway maps.

All of the golf courses should be turned into public parks.

For $75,000 you could visit the bathrooms of the best restaurants in the world after you’ve eaten an amazing meal.

I hope the laser takes out these morons..

It is funny to go to St. Louis and go into a St Louis Bread Co and the interior is Panera.

The article didn’t say the Mechs were secret or new information. In fact it saysMechs, whose arrival many players have anticipated”.

The world has survived fine the past few years with most people working from home.

Funny how they ignore every study showing people are more productive working at home.

That $18 “value” meal would jump to $25.

I remember in high school we could stop by the McDonalds right before it closed to get free cheeseburgers that were left over.