
I’ve worked in transport (in an office as a broker, not as a driver). The main problem is the high time spent away from home. You spend days and days and days away, and the only way to really get ahead is to spend MONTHS away. Some of the most successful drivers who actually manage to buy another truck and hire

What Sqarr said, and also, Bland reported being unable to hear after the officer slammed her head into pavement. That is not good.

Are you saying the cop who arrested her illegally shouldn’t face any consequences for putting her in the situation where she lost her life? can be written up during your probationary period and still become a state trooper? Isn’t that what the probationary period is for- weeding out people who cannot conduct themselves in a professional way? He was written up for unprofessional conduct at a school, but someone passed him along.

It is frustrating. I think of conservatives as more feelers than thinkers. Instead of using their brain to think about an issue, they just react. They think they are thinking, but it’s just like, “I feel in my heart conservative politics work, therefore this is a fact, therefore if conservatism has failed, we must not

You’re talking about people who believe that a guy, who was born to a mom who never had sex, died and came back to life three days later to go up and sit at the right hand of a spirit in the sky. You’re giving them way too much credit if you think there’s logic behind any thought in their heads or any actions that

It’s just amazing tho! They really don’t think ahead at all.

They don’t think that far! Planned Parenthood? That’s the abortion place. That’s literally all they do, besides selling fetus parts in frozen icicles to liberals as a summer treat. They just don’t give a shit. Nothing else matters but the words “abortion” “gay” “minority” “welfare” “gun control”.

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than all of the pukes who are opposed to them put together.

After all these years of bat shit insane republicans, after all their rape ignorance, repression, hating women, and poors, all I really want to know is:

I’m sure someone has a much more well thought out answer than me, but I’m getting to the point where I think it’s because the NCAA represents multiple universities that have to govern themselves in a way.

The arguments of “They’re getting an education,” and “They shouldn’t pick colleges just to play football,” are

They played for wake forest.

who threw left-handed and was rated highly in all the places you would expect Tebow to be.

Given that their father left them in jail not allowed to see one another or have their mom or any of her family visit while he fucked off out of the country for two weeks, I’m entirely willing to believe they’ve got damn good reasons for wanting nothing to do with him.

The kids should have had a guardian ad litem appointed to each. No one is advocating for these kids in court!

Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with

It’s also really common for kids to (of their own volition!) not like a parent and not feel safe with them. All those kids are old enough to have their own opinions. I can’t tell you how shitty it is to be told by the court that because you are not 18, it is impossible that you would have any independent thought and

I love that she’s doing the whole “you guys don’t understand” thing when literally NOTHING (barring the kids actually, you know, committing a crime and even then it’s debatable) that justifies her sending them to jail and threatening them in the manner that she did (“you want people to watch you pee?”).