
Here they go

slavery more like yayvery

AS of 2013, we have the 6th highest median income. That isn’t even close to third world and a downright insult to countries with actual third world problems.

This is an interesting story. I’m surprised this wasn’t on the news. Why can’t the mayor and governor just over ride the paper work, and grant them what they were promised.

I fear for these guys because from the articles that I’ve read these workers are trying to feed their families, but some douche in the Mayor’s office probably thinks that they are chopping all the cars in NYC up for illegal terrorist funding or whatever BS they think is going on.

In related news, if you have ever been

Wow, great read on an issue I knew absolutely nothing about only 15 minutes ago. I hope there is the opportunity for follow-up as the situation unfolds.

Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.

Mostly the lawyer.

I get that there needed to be some kind of punishment, but $135000? That’s just ridiculous and only adds fuel to the bigots who are using them as icons. And who gets all that money?

The crowd repeatedly loudly called close balls “out” when in fact they were in. It was very disconcerting; that was the major problem.

Serena Williams is amazing. She won her first major in 1999. Sixteen years ago! And now she's making a run at a grand slam. It's hard to think of too many athletes who have remained so dominant for so long. Tim Duncan? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Peyton Manning? Babe Ruth?

No, it was completely rude and against the norm, especially at Wimbledon, which prides itself on holding to custom and etiquette. You are not supposed to cheer and yell in the middle of points—it’s a distraction to the players—and it was ridiculous that the chair umpire hadn’t said anything until then. I also find it

Watson had her on the ropes, the crowd kept being too loud and Serena complained. They booed her and that was the turning point after Watson couldn’t convert in that game up a break to serve for the match.

The mascot was fired by the Marlins but immediately found work on the North Carolina coast.

They want sex when they want it, and with as little effort & strings as possible. Simple.

I don’t get why prostitution is still illegal in the US.
The right always chirps about big government paying too close attention to people’s lives and being intrusive. But this shit is still illegal there.

Maybe her name is really Susan but she gave it while performing oral?

Oh the irony of Sapp complaining that someone talks too much.

How casual is too casual for the interrogation room?