Not to argue with the general point of your post, but wasn’t Columbus’ expedition primarily financed by Queen Isabel?
Not to argue with the general point of your post, but wasn’t Columbus’ expedition primarily financed by Queen Isabel?
While I agree with the general point that Thibs should probably have pulled them with under 5 to go in a blowout, the t-wolves have also been the worst team in the NBA this season in third quarters. So the FACT that the game was “over at halftime” is probably part of the reason that Thibs kept pushing in this…
Your editor speaks truth, Ride The Lightning is the best thing Metallica ever did at the height of their powers. That doesn’t mean those other two albums weren’t also great, but yeah.
Not sure this will even get seen as I’m in the greys, but:
I keep telling people, the “fallout” from trump fucking up our bonds and crashing the global economy would probably exceed that of an actual nuclear war. More people would die, just not quite as rapidly.
Proud to be the 1100th person to recognize the brilliance at work in this comment. Yes, its an easy joke, but its still damn good.
That game is still real, real good over a decade later.
When the civil war comes and North Carolina splits into two regions, it will be over barbecue. People from out of town think that's a joke but it's kind of not.
Won in spite of, not because of, Kevin Love? I completely agree, LeBron and Kyrie were impressive.
Mmmm....Forbidden Donut.....
Personally I’m a fan of the team I am in NCAA because my dad worked there when I was a kid. I also went to a college that doesn’t have a real athletics program for undergrad, so there wasn’t much reason to “switch”
Nah, nobody would ever accuse them of being “full of stars”
Solid frame rate? So it's...not EDF at all then?
Yeah no I don’t see the Heat’s side on this at all. They owe dwayne at least 20 million in backpay above his current market value, and the third year would more or less make him “whole” on it. I have zero sympathy for a team that has played fast and loose with every single cap loophole, now matter how small, to remain…
This comment is so accurate it brought a single tear to the eye of this particular bitter knicks fan.
Somebody with the requisite skills (not me) should take a clip of one of those plays where Ben looks like he is going to be sacked and somehow isn’t and replace head of defender hanging onto him futilely with Trump’s.
I figured it out! Draymon wants out of his Nike Contract. He wants to go to Under Armor and join Steph. The problem is, his contract probably has a matching clause, so no matter how silly huge of a contract UA offered him (when its up for renewal/whatever with Nike), Nike could choose to match it.
No, most of us don’t own guns, it’s why there are still so many Knicks fans.
It’s also theoretically possible Konami might buy us all ponies. Almost as unlikely as Suikoden getting “resurrected” by Konami, but possible!
Yes, the same PC gamers who have had working PSX emulation available to them for over 17 years. Hence I’m confused why they want to pay a company that doesn’t make games anymore for the privilege of that company wrapping an emulator skin around that game and selling it to them on a different platform from the one they…