KingBullitTrain . It works like any other store on the Internet.

Heh, I have a friend who is also my age (later 30s) who has somehow been drawn in to the steam collectible junk, so I just periodically cleanse it from my inventory by gifting it all to him :p

Ok cool, and I’m not saying it’s your responsibility to know, but do you have any idea how big that group of people actually is? Does Konami? The Internet is notorious for being an echo chamber where small groups of people come to believe their numbers are vastly greater than they actually are. The general sales

Well that’s just it, he isn’t destroying Konami. He’s repositioning it as Not-A-Game-Company, because that generates the greatest profit margin at this moment. We can argue over whether they should license their game IPs out to companies that will actually use them (which is not without risk), but it's silly to

You still haven’t answered me as to why waiting an undetermined amount of time for a steam release that may never come is superior to dropping 10 bucks or whatever it currently is on PSN and then just emulating it in your PC. If it’s a moral position against emulation, cool, but that was the whole point of my original

All I can tell you is you're wrong about PSX emulation. What do you think PS1 classics ARE? It's an emulator that runs flawlessly on a PS3, which even a mediocre modern computer runs rings around. Suikoden can be emulated flawlessly, I've done it. We're not talking about a game that was on the Saturn.

Yeah I am firmly in the camp of giving zero shits about any of the ancillary engagement stuff steam has. I’m happy for people if trading cards and achievements and badges move their personal needles, but it’s meaningless junk to me. My comment was mostly challenging the idea that there are vast untapped audiences for

If the suikoden revival folks can convince Konami to license suikoden to a company that still makes games to do it, great. They do not appear to give a shit, probably because the potential profit for them is trivial compared to what they probably make off pachinko games in a given hour.

Again, those games you cited as examples were made and subsequently ported by companies who still make Video Games. I thought we were talking about Konami, who clearly doesn’t want to do that any more.

I’m unclear on who the people are who want to play these games but don’t have a PlayStation device capable of playing them already. Why would Konami, a pachinko and fitness club company that used to make games, spend a dollar to update an ancient Windows version to be suitable for steam release, when they have an

Competence-wise, is there a real difference between Gilbert and Dolan other than LeBron being drafted there? Isaiah Thomas did awful things and Phil not lighting world on fire, but almost every move Cavs have made other than LeBron has been mediocre at best.

Not sure if I’m pleased or disappointed by the lack of moutheyes in this post.

I think that’s part of why their chemistry works so well, Steph legitimately doesn’t seem bothered that draymon, klay and whoever they might sign as a big FA will make more than him next year. I’m sure the massive deal with underarmor and growing up with Dell to give him perspective and insight helps, but it’s still

Just a reminder, regardless of finals outcome the warriors have a shit ton of cap space this off season, will probably be just as good or better next year. Only player they are losing is probably Barnes, maybe Bogut depending on who they acquire. So no matter what happens, good chance winning the east in 2017 will

Could go to GSW. Plenty of cap room, would be far deadlier in their offense than he even is now. I tend to agree with conventional wisdom that he should sign a 1-1 with OKC for max, but I couldn't blame him for wanting to join the dubs machine.

Pictured: Steph with 5 minutes left in this game.

Its especially bad when a glowing green sphere flies in there and turns him into a zombie afterwards.

Is Scott Foster officiating game 6? He’s been a factor in the majority of GSWs 14 losses this season. If he does, all hope of watchable basketball is dead.

In a better world there would be an entire deadspin post on that. It was peak Reggie Miller Announcing.