
As someone who was rooting for GSW, I actually had no problem with this no call. It happens all the time. There were several other calls and missed calls down the stretch that were also pretty questionable, but sadly most of them were outside last 2 minutes so NBA probably won’t report on them.

Its...not an assumption. Whiteside is getting the Max. The question is which team gives it to him, Miami or someone else.

You really think Whiteside is a max guy? Pretty sure he's gone this summer, don't think Riley going to pay him the max. He chases blocks at the expense of effective team defense, has been better last month or so but will revert once he gets that big deal.

Yeah in general I don’t see a lot of superstars moving westward if they have the choice over the next few years unless it’s to GSW, SAS or MIN. Path just so much easier in the east.

Come on, what would you even do with yourself as a Heat fan if the rest of the conference didn’t hate you?

I’m torn, personally. As a Knicks fan I of course want Kyle Lowry to tap into the Steph Force and drop 50 on the Heat, turning Heat Island into Bikini Atoll. As a patriotic American I want Wade to disrespect the anthem again and put Canada America’s Toupee back in its place, which is out of the playoffs in both their

I'm confused as to why anyone would ever play Secret of Evermore when both Secret of Mana and English patches for Seiken Densetsu 3 exist. They're both vastly superior interpretations of the same formula.

It’s been discussed on the ESPN NBA podcasts, and I agree: all NBA should be position-less. It’s unfair that you have to leave out guys like Lillard or Thompson because you “have” to have three 5s and three 4s. I'm not saying leave out cousins, Davis or towns, but there are enough amazing guards I could see not having

Heh, if setting an NBA record for playoff threes in 8 games is not really playing yet, I can't wait to see what them actually playing is like!

Cleveland has played pretty well, but the level of competition in East continues to be dismal. Whoever limps out of Miami-Toronto isn't going to give them much trouble either.

The Steph Star is fully operational, Rip City has been annihilated. Game 5 is essentially a formality at this point.

The main issue is that he has limited energy at this point, and Miami has been struggling to find offense, he has had to expend most of his energy on that end. He is often in awful ISO situations where he takes a relatively bad shot, he has just made enough for them to win twice.

As a Knicks fan, I’d love it if they gave Joerger that job.

Yeah, there is a reason the warriors did not sign Barnes. They are happy to let some other team sign him to a max deal that he will never have the talent to live up to.

Set to Fatal Intestinal Maelstrom

It actually makes perfect sense from their perspective as it allows total control over pricing and supply across territories. My comment wasn’t aimed at asking your personal reasons for wanting it, as a consumer they are totally valid of course. There is just no business reason for nintendo to do it, as the additonal

So you're not buying an NX then. Cool.

Now playing

...and now I have THIS in my head. This song is awful.

What if Kerr starts all backups and the Houston players who are ready to go home respond by locking Harden in a trunk somewhere in Oakland and playing even worse defense than they have so far.

Tirico says it's going to ESPN if this game not over by 3:45 EST.