
They also have a legitimate shot at not losing 2 games to the same team in one season, which has never been done before in the history of the NBA. Game 10 is against the Spurs, who they lost to on Saturday. They also haven't won in San Antonio since Tim Duncan played at Wake Forest. So yeah, even if they win the next

Actually it’s a raise across the remaining length of his deal, not something he gets in one year.

Was the officiating exceptionally bad, or was it just me? It wasn't the difference in the game, as the Spurs got jobbed on roughly the same number of calls (or no calls) as the warriors did, but it felt like that contributed to the overall ugliness of the game.

Now playing

Plumlee threw off the mask at the beginning of the second half and has been throwing down dunks and blocking shots all over the place. Fans are indeed crying for the mask to be back on.

That’s so unfair, Dillon can totally do like, 3 different types of faces. They just happen to look like they’re all vaguely related somehow :p

Seriously, how does this only have 5 stars? This, all the way, it’s not complicated. It’s just good, sound HR practice in any modern organization. It’s past time sports, at all levels, were seen complying with these basic expectations.

Also still a good chance to be only team to go 41-0 at home.

My theory is that one day after practice Dell found a crashed space ship with an alien child inside, which then scanned him and changed the child’s external appearance to match his offspring. What they didn’t realize until later was that Steph came from a world with a brown and black striped sun, under our yellow sun

So unmanned perpetual war games that take zero lives but require us to repurchase expensive military hardware constantly.

36 here, was at a midwestern mostly white high school at the time, having recently moved from Durham NC. When the verdict was aired the one really big, muscular black guy in the school started running through the halls yelling “The JUICE IS LOOSE! The JUICE IS LOOSE!”. Pretty sure I was the only white kid who found

He’s much more notable for his voice work, in my opinion.

As a Knicks fan, I’m _still_ bitter that I missed most game 5 of the NBA finals because of OJ’s stupid car chase.

As a knicks and panthers fan who is celebrating this spot of good news on an otherwise bleak morning after that superb owl mess, I’m hoping they just throw money at walton until he feels compelled to take the job.

Nm, I misread the acer site.

Nm, I misread the acer site.

For me it was mostly to escape the awful english language announcers. I would have happily listened to almost anything else than Phil and Jeem or Buck/Aikman. My wife finally did make me turn it back to the normal audio channel from SAP midway through the panthers game though, so I missed this one.

There was this little thing where Marvel the company was almost bankrupt at the time, IIRC some of those deals were brokered by their primary creditor (want to say CitiBank?). Thats why they’re so lengthy and relatively unfavorable to Marvel now, they weren’t cheap so Sony and Fox drove a hard bargain.

My favorite part was the shoutout to the ORIGINAL marvel crossover, Human Torch vs Sub-Mariner way back in the day.

I didn’t think it was possible, but after seeing this I’m now MORE convinced the Knicks season is doomed.

Well yes, most news organizations are “biased” in some fashion or another, most notably the two I was comparing the BBC to. Anybody who claims to be completely unbiased is probably trying to sell you something :P