Might be related to the age and relative respectability of british news sources? I know I’m far more inclined to believe the BBC on a given topic than I am the NYT or Washington Post.
Might be related to the age and relative respectability of british news sources? I know I’m far more inclined to believe the BBC on a given topic than I am the NYT or Washington Post.
“It’s probably the best action a western cartoon has seen since Samurai Jack ended back in 2004.”
Just to be clear, because I don’t have a car new enough to even offer it, I’m assuming the in-car wifi hotspot thing still requires a separate cell subscription/prepaid line from your phone, its not like you’re just getting free wireless from Toyota/Ford/Chevy/etc? Seems like a large majority of users wouldn’t be down…
Those sure are some little fluffy clouds.
Anybody have a handy list of which states it’s illegal in? I left my doberman mix and my pit bull mix in the car with it running (drivers door unlocked) several times this summer to keep them cool. While Blossom (tricolored pit bull mix) is hilariously friendly, Jojo the Doberbeast is the opposite, if you haven’t been…
Actually Tyler, as an Executive Agreement rather than a Treaty, congress merely has 2 months to act in response, if they do nothing it goes into effect. Since the GOP lacks a veto-proof majority, they basically have no recourse to stop this until another president is in office, then he or she will have the ability to…
Am I the only person who simultaneously loves campaign/custom AI games in Starcraft while thinking the story is a mess of hot garbage bordering on offensive in its stupidity?
I had wondered this after watching the Avengers way too many times, were operational fighter-based nukes a real thing or a fantasy of the same type as flying aircraft carriers.
My wireless network has been named ThisIsFromMatilda for over a decade.
I cannot disagree with this strongly enough.
Anyone who thinks No Land Beyond is the worst gun in the game should stop playing. You're better off spending time on a shooter thats more your speed.
ISWYDT, so the endpoint is Disney appearing to dump the EU in the trash and then coming back at the last minute to rescue it, guns blazing?
So...Microsoft just blew 2.5 billion dollars on a company whose sole successful game is probably nearing market saturation, with fairly limited prospects for a sequel that replicates that success?
Not sure why people think this game is good. Do yourself a favor, don't bother with this, go find an english patch for seiken densetsu 3 and play that instead. Its the game we SHOULD have gotten over here but didn't in part because SoE was a POS that bombed.
*goes to fetch the torches*
You were still correct, that...thing is not a stick. Its a nub.
The Guardians of the Galaxy from 1969 bears no relationship with the Guardians that are featured in the movie or any recent comics (other than a guest spot). Most of the primary characters were created in various forms in the 1970s (primarily by Jim Starlin), and the current team came together in the Annihilation…
Good update, just one note: The extended battery pack isn't actually available for sale...well anywhere in the USA. You can find listings on eBay and Amazon for it, and in almost every case its actually a JP battery with JP packaging. Not sure what the issue is, but as somebody who would like to buy one, I kind of…
I'm disgusted by this. It was bad enough when Harmony Gold was abusing the license in a standard business fashion. This is like pissing in our coffee right in front of us and asking us to pay for it.
A Million Times This. Anyone who wastes money on this kickstarter and hasn't even seen Frontier is a sad, sad person indeed.