
Cliffy B has somewhat surprisingly good taste in comics. Given the tone of Gears I would have expected....something different than these choices.

Ah, I misread his original comment as wondering why you didn't mention it in this post, other than to make the comparison to Valkyria Chronicles. just included Inazuma Eleven and Mother 3 in your list of games that prove JRPGs aren't dead, as well as referencing "countless other unique JRPGs released in Japan (and often only released in Japan) on a monthly basis?"

Yeah you're right I forgot about ME2 (didn't really get into the DA games), did that data collection option exist on the PS3 version as well?

Its simplistic to suggest (as some commenters seem to be) that either Bioware/EA OR Sony are specifically denying these promotions to the PS3 users out of some amount of spite and/or laziness.

To compile the data for these promotions EA collects data on gameplay that you have to opt into allowing, presumably they haven't been able to come to an agreement with Sony on how to allow that on the PSN.

What I wonder is what we're going to get, other than a new but still limited set of deck choices, that will justify the upgrade. The leap from the original DOTP to 2012 was actually pretty massive, they improved the AI immensely and added more mechanics and gametypes.

Well when I've played a game for over 140 hours and have told everyone I know that has a Wii to reserve it, I'm interested in seeing how relatively major outlets like Kotaku choose to review it.

See, even disgusting bagged milk drinkers recognize the greatness of this game!

The characters in Xenoblade are great. I'm not sure what you wanted or expected from them that they failed to deliver. It seems to me that you may have brought your negative preconceptions of what the characters would be based on stereotypes and past experience with you, instead of trying to evaluate them in the

Yeah some kind of co-op mode with those people would be fine I guess, I just don't want to ever play a part again where I don't have the OPTION to be batman.

Yeah not really sure why everybody hates on Shadows of the Empire, it was a decent game at the time. Certainly not worthy of the appellation "miserable" IMO.

Yeah...I think this is a pretty bad idea, as catwoman showed.

When I saw PAM this is the first thing I thought.

The funny thing is I'm usually like that as well. I was actually somewhat confused about the mechanics of the Colony 6 stuff (I could be more specific but want to avoid any spoilers), so after going online just to figure out what that part entailed I got somewhat obsessed with maxing it. Definitely wouldn't have put


Yeah frankly I don't care if people buy this game and then load it into their toaster and destroy it. Buying it is all that is important.

There is a patch floating around online that supposedly fixes the framerate in Dolphin if you're having issues with it, I won't try to link it here (as I've never needed it) but I've heard its a good fix from friends who have tried it.

Agree completely. I put over 140 hours into the EU version and I'm planning to put twice that many into the game once I have my NA copy in hand.