
I don't disagree with that at all. Sadly just like every great OS compatibility with required software will decline over time, and eventually I will be forced to upgrade. So far Mt. Lion DOES look like an improvement on Lion, but they have plenty of time to screw it up still.

No food/agro businesses on this list kind of invalidates it, as they are some of the most evil corporations on the planet. Nestle's predatory infant formula practices in developing nations make ANYTHING perpetrated by the likes of EA or Comcast seem pretty benign, personally, and there are dozens of other examples of

Well I feel like Apple kind of stared over that precipice with Lion and with Mountain Lion (at least the dev preview) has taken a couple steps back towards a "normal" desktop with less tablet/touch emphasis.

Yes I know the quote is "I am legion", the entire point was to NOT make it into some biblical thing.

Oh I thought that was making completely useless comments about subjects one deigns not to care about, seemingly your area of expertise.

Good for Penny Arcade, this movement is disgusting and should not be allowed to tarnish the image of their charity. I'm working on some things right now to illustrate this, and I'm trying to promote #wearelegion as the name of our inevitable counterstroke against this madness.

This is what people don't understand about the responsible and legal use of firearms. If you are a police officer who is authorized to carry a weapon as part of his duties, EVERY TIME your gun leaves its holster you need to provide a detailed and written statement that covers the entire situation leading up to,

In case anyone who read my comment wondered what my third problem with people who hate this ending is, I realized while writing that it could be seen as a spoiler, so I left it out entirely rather than attempt to address it in general terms.

Frankly I think the ending was great, it fit perfectly into the greater epic cycle of the Mass Effect trilogy.

Nope, Samurai Warriors 3 on the Wii is great, thats the one I was referring to.

Samurai Warriors 3 is a better game than Kingdoms of Amalur.

So...if they had hired another model and paid her for a photoshoot to make the picture...does that change anything?

Three words.

Actually the main thing kinect provides is the SOFTWARE end of voice recognition as part of its general toolkit. Without that, Bioware would have had to license or build their own, and that wasn't really feasible. Thats also part of the reason that RUSE, while also an interesting test concept for voice control in a

The Kinect voice controls for the 360 version of mass effect 3 are amazing. So far their success rate, in terms of both me aiming things effectively and the device reading my voice, is easily in excess of 90%. At one point I was just yelling "[character name deleted], SINGULARITY!" over and over and just meleeing to

Well I can't speak for reviewers, but one of the things I have disliked in my first 4 hours, while minor, is technically a spoiler. Not something I would probably mention in a review, personally.

You're right that none of them are hugely popular at the moment, as I referenced in my response to meancheez my beef with them is based on the way they basically demolished the old way of making comics and then failed to replace it with something that offered the same level of quality to the consumer. Image is GREAT

Joe Mad has the same "everything is severe and guys are huge and BLOOD AND METAL AND DEATH" mentality that the other artists I mentioned have. I personally dislike it, and think that it helps perpetuate the image of comics and games as things for young and immature males.

Don't Forget Jim Lee, he was ALSO involved in founding the horrible mess that was image.

Joe Mad one of the two reasons I couldn't get into Darksiders; he's a horrible artists and I hate every comic he has ever done. People like him represent everything that is wrong with artwork and creative direction in most comics today, along with MacFarlane, Liefield, etc.