
Well we put him in timeout for a couple months, that seemed to help a bit.

No lie, if you want I'd be happy to email you my chat log, search for "lords of shadow" and you will invariably find him all over it, saying how awesome it is.

Manji - Thats ironic, because he LOVES that game.

You missed a huge announcement, its all Wiis going forward.

Except for that part where Nintendo stopped making new Wiis that could, yes!

Honestly wonder if the problem is that making a game like Myth is incredibly difficult, in the sense of bringing it up to "modern" levels of both interactivity and control design.

Kind of torn about this, watched it develop literally from 10 minutes after they posted it through to about 4am EST, had a little insomnia last night that was unrelated or I probably wouldn't have.

The game is clearly aimed at younger players, but there was nothing inherently wrong with it. Unless you are questioning Brave and The Bold itself, in which case you are just a crazy person, that show is great :P

Also think its possible they will just skip 13 in favor of really nailing 14 on WiiU, I suspect a large portion of any problems they have with selling these games on Wii is the lack of real improvement in gameplay between them. For example I had 2008 for a long time, rented 2010, really didn't see anything there that

Well I don't think _most_ Wii games would merit the treatment, even early nintendo games like twilight princess, the underlying quality of the resources just not there. The reason I specifically mentioned Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Xenoblade is because when you upscale those games using dolphin they still look great.

Not gonna attack you for pirating, feel like looking for people on a gaming site who have NEVER downloaded a pirated file kind of like looking for virgins among the performers at a stripping contest, its POSSIBLE but highly unlikely. Don't really care about the details of how/why in either case.

Well they've essentially said they're doing away with per game friend codes and adopting a system _more_ similar to what XBL and PSN use: there may still be a code you have to enter when adding them as a friend, but it will be one code you enter once per person and then never have to add again.

Looks more interesting than I expected, might have to check this out as I have alot of online buddies who are big Ghost Recon and R6 fans; the challenge for me is always then not being a liability when what I want to do is ignore cover and tactics, just shoot everything that moves :P

Yeah I hate Mario games with flat world maps that just have lines and dots on them!

I think what we need as consumers is legislation that comprehensively spells out our rights, in regard to what actual ownership of a game we assume when purchasing it digitally, as well as some type of method to ensure the game(s) remain playable in at least a single player capacity beyond the support life of the

The last thing you mentioned really the most worrisome problem; all indications are they will be contracting with the same...lets be polite...UNDERPERFORMING service provider to handle the online service for the WiiU that they used for the Wii.

Good to see this has a free version, lots of games on iOS/Android that come from "traditional" game companies don't get one, and its unfortunate because even at 1-2 dollars I'm generally skeptical of buying a game without ANY idea how it plays.

Wait, so you're questioning Totilo's fitness as a games journalist because you're biased against a particular hardware platform that he plays SOME games on and enjoys?

Heh, I'm glad you appreciate my tone, as an Advance Wars maniac I was positively disposed towards you despite what yes, some people could have perceived as an aggressive comment, based solely on your avatar :)

Haven't tried Rift, but a game that _really_ needs an Android/iOS companion application that can access some of its in-game systems and information is Star Trek Online. The new Duty Officer system is a fun meta-game, but I should be able to access it, even if its just to see the progress of my current missions on each