Because killing people is already illegal, but that law isn’t stopping killers either.
Because killing people is already illegal, but that law isn’t stopping killers either.
Good for you that you took the time for chastising someone who made a comment that they didn’t know who she was. I’m sure everyone cares that you take the time to do these things. (Keep the train going, CHOO CHOO!)
Wait for what?
Or not. It’s up to them.
Can we make this woman stab herself in the chest as punishment?
Oh great. Another humansplaining blog post all about what a troll is. Glad we have you high and mighty homo sapiens to tell us all about being a troll, and how to deal with trolls. As if you’d deal with trolls in any manner different from any other intelligent creatures...
PDO. The “luck” statistic. Or is it the “factors we can’t quantify any other way so lets lump them together and call it ‘luck’ so we can still feel good about all our other crazy stats” stat?
Oh sure. Any idea how many people a year are killed by keys? There needs to be stronger key laws in this country. When are we going to start talking about this problem?
But the old guy had the high ground!
In Michigan?
My wife drinks Jameson with me.
Maybe they should have stopped after the first two times?
Cry some more sissy boy. Your whining brings pleasure to my ears. Seriously, how did you even find a woman to marry your beta ass, much less procreate with you?
Will Kanye be there?
Probably. But nobody outside of NYC is going to care.
Counterpoint: Next time something happens in New York, get the fuck out of there too. We don’t need endless days of news stories and articles about the subways filling up again.
Wypipo still looking for a great white hope is the reason why this match took place? I can appreciate that these sorts of issues are front and center in your mind, but I doubt it was anything so complicated. There was only one reason this match took place, and it wasn’t great white hope or ending racism or anything…
Great journalism Luke Plunkett! We can all rest so much easier knowing you’re keeping Twitter safe from inaccurate Nintendo facts!
No. Not everyone is racist. Only whites can be racist.