
Amazon Prime members?

I can make the case for slavery continuing on in a fashion akin to what conditions are like in China right now. But that’s not solely a Black issue. That encompasses all of the lower and lower-middle class of America. That takes quite a bit of wind out of the sails of the shock value of this show.

So then how will this show be relevant in any way? The form of modern slavery you describe isn’t limited to just Blacks, it encompasses all the the lower and lower-middle class Americans of all races. That wouldn’t do anything to spark any sort of conversation regarding race topics in the modern era.

I don’t know. Probably not. But it’s all stuff my wife watches, so it all just blends together for me. I pretty much abandon my television between June and October.

Eh. I’m skeptical they put that much thought into it. But then, I naturally have a low opinion of the industry that gives us Housewives of Whereverthefuckville, Olympic Swimmer Races Virtual Shark, and We Keep Looking But Never Find Ghosts shows.

You speak far more eloquently and knowledgeably on the subject than I. Thank you. 

I do believe I’ve read at least one article in which they stated there had been subsequent American Civil Wars, and we’re left to speculate that the Confederacy must have come out the victor, or at least not the loser.

Yeah. More good points regarding America’s place in world changing events. We’ll see if these things are addressed or not.

Possibilities. But it also seems to me that the further away you move from real life today, the less value this show has towards the “conversation” the HBO suits are talking about.

Good points. But then, if you take the time to train your slaves, you’re going to also invest in their continued well-being. Fast-forward to today, and you’re going to be diluting the point of your alternate history story, in that these fairly maintained, skilled slaves aren’t really going to be that much different

Sorry. I’m not convinced the economics of white greed work out in this case. Again, this isn’t the most pressing concern related to this show, but a few pieces of farming equipment are going to be much cheaper in the long run than an entire stable of slaves, whether you treat them poorly or not. If you treat them

Maybe. But the show premise doesn’t seem to lend itself to gratuitous nudity very well.

You forgot Fraggle Rock.

“People who want to be entertained” is a mighty wide demographic net. I’m fairly certain the entertainment business doesn’t work like that anymore. Media properties are usually developed with a certain specific audience in mind.

Eh. Seems like that would be a task more suited to at least semi-skilled labor, and ill suited for slaves.

Well, I won’t deny that I like me some boobs. You know the old’ve seen one pair, you want to see them all. But the fact remains, I’ve heard outrage from both sides of the political equation about this show, and everyone else expects boobs from HBO. Well, actually, everyone including the political people

Actually, I’m not sure who the intended audience is for this show. Seems like folks on either side of the political aisle are taking issue with it for various reasons, and folks who aren’t politically inclined at all will probably stop watching the minute they realize there aren’t a ton of boobs in an HBO show (unless

I’m confused by the notion of this show. Now, obviously this won’t be the most important issue related to the show, but I really wonder what sort of justification they’re going to give for slavery to survive the Industrial Revolution, and other technological advances. I mean, owning a bunch of human beings that have

Yeah. I think my wife has saying “No” down pat by now. She’s definitely not the target audience for this article. And I don’t think I’ve ever turned her down. At least not in the two or three times she’s ever asked.

Well, to be fair, I’d have a hard time pissing out of boot too, even with instructions on the bottom. Now, pouring piss out of a boot, that I could handle...