
I’m confused by the notion of this show. Now, obviously this won’t be the most important issue related to the show, but I really wonder what sort of justification they’re going to give for slavery to survive the Industrial Revolution, and other technological advances. I mean, owning a bunch of human beings that have

Yeah. I think my wife has saying “No” down pat by now. She’s definitely not the target audience for this article. And I don’t think I’ve ever turned her down. At least not in the two or three times she’s ever asked.

Well, to be fair, I’d have a hard time pissing out of boot too, even with instructions on the bottom. Now, pouring piss out of a boot, that I could handle... that a pair of jugs on Bayley? Where the Hell are those when she’s wrasslin’? Might just be a padded bra too I suppose...

Ah....Gawker Media...they hate Google Glass, but get the biggest fucking boners over folding screens...

Soooo....instead of a field day, they should have all got together and smoked a bunch of pot like I imagine a Gawker Media team-building event to be?

But now that they’re parents, do they understand?!!?

Thanks, Millennials.

You mean like hundreds of singers, rappers, and other assorted pop-stars who rely on heavily auto-tuned tracks to sound “good”?

Is this an issue anywhere outside of New York City? I mean, is it really worth the attention it gets from Gizmodo Media Group on what is supposed to be a worldwide blogging platform?

Here we go. Now Gizmodo Media can pick up the torch from Gawker, railing on against a piece of technology. You would think a technology focused blog would be excited to report on a product like this instead of taking every opportunity to put it, and its users, down. Seriously guys...Denton’s gone. Whoever it was from

Who let this dog out? Who? Who who who?

A portion of the “(white?) folks” you’re referring to in the case of Dolezal likely didn’t much care about the races involved in her claims. She could have been Asian claiming to be Middle Eastern. African claiming to be Australian. Martian claiming to be Venusian. The entire issue was the apparent disconnect between

What if I’m older than forty, and I want to get (back) into Japaninamtion, as we called it for years and years before someone decided it was no longer acceptable to do so?

I hate this shit so much. 1) Like Dan said, it’s a sex reveal, not a gender reveal.

I was almost a roadie on a R. Kelly tour, years and years ago. My brother and I both turned down the gig. Probably for the best.

I’m waiting for the Wheel of Time series. One huge political-fantasy drama is all I can do in my lifetime.

Fake news? Who gives a shit about that. The money here is Custom Porn. Now, your favorite actresses can turn around during the POV drill-from-behind and say whatever YOU want them to say!

Did you even read the last four paragraphs in the post?

If you had the original, you had Jetfire. For whatever reason (probably licensing), the name was changed to Skyfire for the cartoon, along with the look (so as not to be confused with a Veritech fighter from Robotech/Macross).